The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Black Jesus 03 27 2022

Black Jesus

So indeed after the article I wrote on Facebook this am concerning alcoholism I got to thinking. What lead to the spread of Christianity among what could be termed nations of color? Meaning South America and perhaps Africa and African Americans?

  1. What is the gestalt of Christianity? It is that is a white man up there on the cross that was martyred for your sins! That is a white man being punished for what is wrong with you! Do you see how that is an easy sell? It is also an easy sell to women to isn't it! That isn't a representation of mother earth up there on the cross it is a white man!

Now some people want to say that Jesus Christ was really black and therefore he is being mis-portrayed as being a white man on the cross? And I believe it was a few black people that wanted to make that argument. Can I tell you something? The last thing that you want as a black person is for there to be an image of a black Jesus up there on the cross! A black Jesus with an afro! The last thing you would want as black people in the world is for there to be that image of a black person on the cross and absolutely everyone saying that black man died for your sins! Why? Because in the back of the mind everyone would think that a black person is the cause of their problems! That a black person needed to die for them! You don't want that idea floating around that a member of your race needed to be a scapegoat for all of humanity! You do not want that! Do not get the idea to petition the Pope to have it changed!

“Come to America, all your problems are the white mans fault! Him up there on the cross. The solution is in the cause of the problem.” Does this concept also lead to the decline of the white population in the United States? I assert it does! I assert that! It is the most horrific form or racism ever! Stigmatizing the white man!

  1. Jesus did indeed sin! The second reason that Christianity spread was because it promotes alcohol!

    Lead us not into temptation! An alcoholic, someone with the gene of alcoholism is not even supposed to have one drop of alcohol. Why? Because it triggers the addiction! The horrific addiction to alcohol!

    Now keep that in mind when Jesus told you that the wine was his blood and that if you drank it you would have everlasting life.

    Did Jesus bear false witness against himself? Perhaps this is one of the greatest sins in human history! In the Lords Prayer, was it created by Jesus or was it handed down to him? I will have to research that. He states, “Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil” at the end of the prayer. Telling someone that if they drink wine (alcohol) they will have eternal life is perhaps the worst lying sin of temptation ever spoken. Now to be fair to Jesus he was indeed tempted by Demons in the dessert before the last supper. So those words spoken might have been a result of Demonic Possession. They nearly drowned him in the baptism and then he wandered in the dessert as a result of that? That is how they baptized back then, they held you under the water and made you fight to come up for air!

But what an easy sell that is. Offer alcohol at mass and tell people it will give them eternal life? No good shepherd would ever do that! So there is another sinful lie! Those are not the words of a good shepherd.

And it is a gateway drug to other drugs. Not just because of the psychological effect but think of it in terms of today's opiate addiction crisis? How many people have gotten in car accidents or other accidents or misjudgments causing physical injury directly related to alcohol and then need to take opiates because of the broken bones and torn flesh? And that opiate addiction increases? How many people where born dump as a fence post because of fetal alcohol syndrome and then desire to take stimulant drugs like meth or speed or (whatever pharma name it is dare I mention it). Was that person a worse danger before or after that “uppers?” I think that there is nothing worse than a retard high on speed! Does the person with compromised or dim intelligence also natural seek out the high from marijuana? So they go from one drug to another because of that one person labeled a God?


Ask yourself how can so many of those drugs be coming into our nation from those Latin American Countries where Christian Missionaries were?  Their gestalt belief they have is that it is a white mans fault?  All the problems are a white mans fault?  Because of that white man on the Cross?  Because of Christianity?

So there is an effort to make history more truthful? If it were true you would not want to do that!

This is Sunday Morning Preaching.  Brought to you by,

Thomas Paul Murphy

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

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