The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Gun Control and Stuttering 3 30 2022

 "Compared to males who do not stutter, males who stutter were significantly more likely to report feelings of suicidal ideation."

So our current President stuttered when he was younger.

He also said that he went to the Library to study our Government.  And I heard him say in a speech to the American public that our Constitution can be changed.  I couldn't believe it.

So there are what are called Ghost Guns.  They are gun frames that you buy.  And they require a lot of milling and precision drilling and filing.  And in most states they are legal.  They were legal until a few states started to declare them illegal.

A.  So the Constitution states that your right to own one cannot be infringed.  It also states the ex post facto laws may not be created.  And it states that the Constitution may not be amended unless the amendment is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Constitution.  And the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land which all other laws must conform with.  That is all pretty clear.

So lets talk about the intent of guns.  I view the situation that arises in violence as only being one of two things. 

1.  A person buys a gun for defensive purposes.

2.  A person acquires a gun for offensive purposes which really means criminal activity.  I mean scratch that whole sentence and say a person acquires the gun for criminal activity.

There is nothing in the Constitution that states a gun must have a serial number on it.

Making it illegal to have that ghost gun a person made for themselves defines both one and two above as having criminal intent in acquiring it!

That just isn't right.

Okay so Joe Biden stuttered as a boy.  I had to ask myself if someone that stutters is more likely to commit suicide?  From that national institute of health website above it looks to be true as per the projection of the quote obtained there.  "Compared to males who do not stutter, males who stutter were significantly more likely to report feelings of suicidal ideation."

Did Joe Biden grow up in a house with guns? So I am putting two and two together here.  And I don't see how he can be making a decision that represents the American public when he puts forth gun control measures into law.  Follow me here?  Someone that has ideations of suicide gets into public office and wants to put forth gun control?  How can I say that isn't a person who is truly motivated to be making that decision?


And I really do not like speaking low of a Democrat!  I really like his tax the rich policies.  But I don't like this other slip in.  Why not?  Because it lessens our rights.

I view this as all small steps whereby the detrimental effect of them will not be seen by the President that created them back in his term.  What I mean is that any President who wants to take away your Constitutional rights I view as either being deceived or ignorant.  And to be that ignorant one should not be of the designation of a Qualified Electorate and therefore neither be able to vote or be on the ballot for public office.  So I will give him the benefit of the doubt and state he is being deceived.   (In the article before this I mentioned someone who I believe viewed success as the celebration with alcohol who currently has irreversible brain damage from it.  Do I view that person as being deceived too?  Maybe.) 


I don't like to see gun control laws being ratcheted back and forth.  Because of item A above.

Now FDR's admin legalized alcohol and also put forth gun control acts.  One of his family members asserted to him that he broke the United States Constitution.

His family money came from the opiate trade with China.  Do you know how I see it?  The only way someone like that could get what they wanted in life was by breaking the United States Constitution.  I absolutely hate that.  I absolutely hate that!

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

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