The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Ted Cruz may not care if Ketanji Jackson drinks beer 03 23 2022

 Ted Cruz may not care if Ketanji Jackson drinks beer 03 23 2022

So Ted Cruz said to her in the vetting process that nobody there is going to ask her if she drinks beer?

What does that really mean?  I will assert that it means that nobody cares if she is an alcoholic or not?

That is what I say it means.

I think it is an extremely fair question to ask, if someone considers themselves an alcoholic and what their drinking habits are!  I think it is very important.

And I do believe that an alcoholic thinks differently.  I believe their brains and thoughts are pruned differently as it relates to alcohol. 

I think that the Republican Senators are most concerned about being anti abortion.  Why?  Because that too highly relates to alcohol in a great many ways!  I won't go into them right now.  But perhaps I will mention a few.

I believe an alcoholic tends to glaze over issues that they do not want to think about in a different way or a different perspective.  I believe an alcoholic does not have the personal vision to see how the world could be a better place if those ancillary issues were addressed.  What this means, the total sum of this, is that our nation greatly suffers because of willful ineptitude.

I think it is a fair question to ask if someone is an alcoholic.  It is considered a disease.  And you know what?  It isn't a mysterious disease like schizophrenia is.

So does someone like Ted Cruz believe that someone, a nominee for the Supreme Court can't be asked if they are an alcoholic because it violates their right to medical privacy?  You know the Republicans like to put on an air of moral righteousness but it falls through the cracks!

But so if you call alcoholism a disease as it is.  Then do we have a right to prevent someone like that from serving on the Supreme Court?  Does the public have a right to know that?  Absolutely!  So does it run in the face of any potential medical privacy act protections?  It sounds like a lot of smoke and mirrors created out of shame to me.

How likely is someone with alcoholism going to give birth or sire a mentally retarded child?

And if someone with mental retardation is not a qualified electorate and should never be considered to be one...what can be said of the parents that CREATED them!  That defect was not created by GOD!  It was created by their parents!

And how likely is it that someone that is a little off is going to attempt to engage in the creation and distribution of child pornography?  How can it be said that a person could do that without being mentally defective?

So I read about Joe Biden and how 5 of his family members were addicts.  And he told one of his sons that it was a genetic gift from his mommy?  Perhaps I don't have the wording right.  But I got to keep on typing.

So lets say that alcoholism is a genetic disease!  I use that above paragraph to make the transition.  If it is a genetic disease then everyone with the gene would have it?  But what does it amount to?   It amounts to drugs and alcohol being a substitute for the natural endorphin high from achievement?  So right there.  Think of how an alcoholic makes decisions.  They are truncated decisions.  And they used truncated speech to express themselves.  And that truncated speech is often glib.  And more importantly for lack of a better way to describe someone like that.  And I have argued with quite a few in my life.  It is like the speech is quacking!  Duck like if you will.

Did I hear some long vowels indicative of mental retardation from the "interviewee" yesterday.  Yes.  I can't stand that.  Did I see that the interviewee has developed and fostered a way to brow beat those who question such interviewee?  Yes.  Did I see such person attempt to override the validity of questions?  Yes.  I don't think a judge should be like that.  And I don't like it when someone harbors an arrogance.

Is there a hidden agenda to a person who has every opportunity to express what formed their opinion but failed to do so?  They failed to exert and articulate as granted per the freedom of the First Amendment?  I think so.  And there was also a little bit of, "I am shoe'd in here and there is nothing you can do to stop it!"

Now I am going to go on what looks to be her side for a little bit.  Why are not the people who produced and filmed the child pornography being hunted down, brought to justice and executed?  Why are we not using the full financial tracking ability of the U.S. Gov and figuring out that money flow?  So the producers are either paying taxes on the profits or they are not.  And once you hunt down and execute those people the child pornography could be destroyed or perhaps buried a mile down in the earth or something like that.

Now lets talk about the person who views it.  By the United States Government they are being defined as a pedophile.  And because they are a pedophile they go to jail.  So is that criminality or is that genetics?

What if I were to say it is genetics?  Then is euthanasia the answer?  Now lets say it is just something called pure criminality?  What will change that person to not make them that way?  Can you change an adult?  The recidivism rate tells a different story than those who make money in the legal system gaming it?

Now lets say a man steals a loaf of bread to feed his family.  Lets say its worth so much money that he goes to jail?  Should he be placed in the same cell as a pedophile or a homosexual sodomite?  I say no.  I believe it is unconstitutional to put such a man in a jail with a homosexual sodomite or pedophile because it is cruel and unusual punishment to subject them to that.

Now I think you know what I am implying here.  And you are not going to get it from a quacking Republican or a glazed eye Democrat.

One final point.  Joe Biden says how he went to the library when he was young in order to study our government and law?  And then what did he say as President?  That these laws (meaning the Second Amendment) can be changed!  Good God what the h3ll is wrong with him.  That is something you would think a lifetime spy for Communism would say once they got in power over here.  Hey so much for the validity of self learning for people like that?

Now there is a lot of opportunity for humor in that term isn't there?  "The self learned idiot?"

Ted Cruz may not want you to care if she is an alcoholic; but I do.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

Ps.  Did you notice that more precedents form my opinions than you would think of?  Even if I just told you 3 sentences you would not be able to understand where I am coming from because of the many precedents?  But yet to me it is seamless stream of conscience.  In contrast to a quacking duck?  And what wavelength should a human be on?  One of natural stream of conscience which would make things more understandable for them or that of a quacking duck?

A person like me would never be able to explain themselves with someone like Ted Cruz in the room interrupting, interjecting and insulting.  But I would assert that our Government should only be populated by people like me. 

I think Ketanji might make it to the Supreme Court because she has something in common with those Republicans.

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