The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Peach Pie 8 31 2024


If you receive a compliment like this you have to write it down!

"My mom made an awfully good peach pie, but I believe this is better. This is really good!"

I will give you the recipe if I have time.

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Philosophical Observation 08 31 2024

 "Once empowered by a lie; thereby empowered to create a lie."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Empowerment through Networking 08 31 2024

 Let's say that you have a group of people who became highly successful in the United States just based on who they know with little to no relevance on their skill sets.

Because they were empowered through this networking are they also going to feel like they have the divine right to disempower people in the work force?

Do you see what I mean?  Because they were favored under false circumstance are they also going to spend a lot of time creating false circumstance for everyone else in a negative way?

I believe it to be true.  And I also believe that it is a detriment to our Democracy that needs to be disempowered completely.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Humor is the term?

"Rural Dentistry?"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

That Countersnipers Rifle was Suppressed- We should not have heard it? 08 31 2024

 That Countersnipers Rifle was Suppressed- We should not have heard it?  08 31 2024

If you look at the Countersniper in the assassination attempt of Trump you will see that it looks suppressed.

A large rifle suppressor, probably 2" in diameter 12" long painted tan or wrapped in tan.

And per my memory the shot we see him take is by far the loudest?  Granted the microphones are closest to him.

Now perhaps that is the level of noise it created while suppressed?  By I have to question this!

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Immigrants 08 31 2024

Do these link together.

 1. Propagandizing that immigrants are bad.

 2. Saying that you don't want to allow them in and then allow them in.

3.  With the soul intent and purpose that once they got here they are beholding and obedient to you; even if it means committing crimes for you?  I mean scare them to the point whereby if they see something funny going on that you are doing they know not to say anything?

Give them the fear that they do not belong here so that you can manipulate them? 

And who benefits?

People or groups that own large amounts of real estate that needs to be managed, with low skill level labor?  Owners of golf courses, multiple homes, most vacant facade office buildings?

And the middle class does get squeezed out by this.  Who squeezes the middle class out if not the wealthiest class?  That person of the middle class who can listen and learn for themselves is anathema to the wealth class.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Philosophy 08 31 2024

 Someone that doesn't believe in good isn't going to believe that they are going to benefit from good policies.

Hence they will not support them.

Things like restrictions on cigarettes or alcohol, organized crime profit centers, etc.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Why is health care so expensive 08 31 2024

Why is health care so expensive?  Because they get in that job and find out it means that they actually have to help other people!  That is a direct contradiction of what a spoiled rich kid, who is likely to become a Doctor, was raised to be!

So a lot of people went to medical school or perhaps finance and couldn't get a job.  And is that the reason their student debt is being forgiven?  Or perhaps better stated like this, that education didn't lead to a more productive economy because those graduates didn't find their way in the network?  Network of what, I ask?

But if indeed we can forgive that debt, then we should also create a loan vehicle to cover the cost of health care services,  and then at some time in the future forgive that too!  How many people were actually healed?  Versus how many people were pushed opiates and shoveled under?

They went to medical school, law school or Finance and came out of there cocooned in snot?  You better believe I would forgive that debt, and any and all related to it; including but not limited to lost profits.


The last time I needed to be stitched up a young black girl stitched me up at the hospital.  She wasn't a Doctor.  Did she attend medical school? She did as good a job as any Doctor has at stitching me up.  It cost me like $2400.00 dollars for two stitches.  I know that she didn't get the lions share of that.


So back to the mainline.  They get in those jobs and find out it actually means they have to help people and have some accountability for doing so.  What happens next?  They raise the price of all those health care services so that they don't have to do too much work like that (actually helping people) and can retire early.  For they themselves are blessed and it goes against a religious element of their being to help those that they subjectively view as not being blessed or perhaps in banality more blessed?  If you look ugly like Igor, one eye bulging, a crooked chin with quick setting to crust viral drool coming out the leeward side of it, a hunchback,  you know you are not blessed no matter what you are taught to believe about yourself?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Bonus poetry.

"A cripple walks up to a bar

He thinks one more drink will cure him."

He beleive that last drink will cure him

Friday, August 30, 2024

So Let's Say 8 30 2024

 So let's say I am a mega real estate investor.

Let's say in one of my U.S. buildings is the largest bank in the World and it is Chinese.

Let's say a virus comes from China.

Then we ask did that bank position itself to profit from that happening?

And afterwards what is the financial ledger money glow between them and me like?

© 2024 Thomas Murphy 

Have A Drink on Me 08 30 2024


1 peeled lemon seeded

1 peeled lime 

3 T large grain sugar

1 T coconut flour

3 T Apple Sauce

6 grains of large sized salt

1/2 pitcher of cold filtered water

Cut lemon and lime in chunks, place in bullet grinder w sugar add perhaps 3 ounces of water and grind.

Then place all ingredients in a pitcher and stir.

Really good 

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Dinner 8 28 2024

Humor is the restaurant that gives you a Tablespoon of taco filling in your taco and acts like you should be the happiest hard working Mexican around?

 © 2024 Thomas Murphy

Political Observation 8 28 2024

 "How do you graduate from an American Law School and come out saying the things he does?"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Humor in Phrase 08 28 2024

 "Those other shoes might mow better."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

The English Monarchy under the Moores 08 28 2024

 Something doesn't add up here.  I am going to have to research this.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Open Carry Nationwide? 08 28 2024

 I am no more offended by open carry than I am of that fat woman walking into Target last night wearing a Black Belt Judogi (?) uniform last night.

 The woman wearing the Judogi does not seem to fit the idea of a Marshall from the old west wearing a star badge and carrying a six gun to keep the peace.

I think that more than open carry represents a deadly threat from violence.

Why? Because with that black belt there is a lot of argument that can be made over who did what and who started what.  And then you have someone either paralyzed or dead?

And what about a black belt?  Do they like to cause trouble and then paralyze people for life or kill them?  And have many of them had  military or perhaps law enforcement training to do so?

To escalate a situation too!

You are arguing your point with them and all of a sudden the black belt turns violent or uses a well practiced manuver to mame or kill?  Probably a kick in the groin over nothing, a punch to the throat, perhaps two krav maga stooge fingers to your eyes??  There is no better justification for open carry nationwide than that.

And does organized crime like to hire big balookas or black belts?  Without a doubt.

If I were President there would be certain families who I deemed have been victimized by organized crime that would receive firearms, that could only be used by them with fingerprint id tech or something like that.  And defund the Police, the CIA the FBI, etc?  You better believe it.  And rebuild it with good, honest, non satanic minded people: like those who formed our nation and wrote that sacred Constitution.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

And so a lot of this that I write is almost getting a little too edgy.  I may refrain from this at some time, of my own accord.

I want to make a point about how to protect your family members from Lg----- people?  But that would be too edgy.  And isn't it sad that that Constitutional Right to say something about that has effectively been legally taken away?

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Stuffed Pork Chops 8 27 2024

 © 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

This place "" is huge and a hidden gem!  Miesfelds Meat Market.

A Political Party like Thieves 8 27 2024

 There is no honor amount them; and yet they will gang up on the rest of us like thieves.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Vying to be a Senator 08 27 2024

So what if there was someone who was vying to be a Senator of one of our States.  And hypothetically lets say that he had Multiple Sclerosis.

Would it be genuine of such a man to make a commercial in a tavern setting, where he has three mugs that look like they are filled with beer.  And he is sitting down at a table with two other men.  So likely what looks to be a beer each for them and one for him?

So some of this stuff takes a while to hit the meter.  The question of integral responsibility being, are you supposed to drink alcohol if you have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis?

Here is what quick Google search results reveal.

Copyright 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

"Alcohol's Effect on MS Symptoms Even one drink can make issues like unsteadiness worse. “If you have a lot of trouble with balance, thinking, or memory symptoms from MS, it may be better to avoid alcohol altogether,” says Graves. Alcohol can also lead to sleep problems and worsen bladder symptoms.Oct 12, 2022

Do Multiple Sclerosis and Alcohol Mix? - WebMD"

Monday, August 26, 2024

Meat and Potatoes 8 26 2024

 © 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Communism and Chernobyl 08 26 2024

So I once read that some Russian Cosmonauts snuck alcohol up aboard one of their "space ships."

Just stop right there and think about it!  How high tech everything on a space craft is.  How many switches are need to perform a multitude of various functions.  The safety parameters that must be strictly adhered to.

And then you wonder how many Russians are alcoholics?


If the active disease made it all the way to their space craft?  It signals that people are not happy at all in Communism if they have that broad-spread a substance abuse issue?

So look at that?

And you wonder if something of that nature caused the Chernobyl melt down?

And then you ask yourself about an International Space Station whereby Russians were on it.  As if their country was the equivalent of ours?

And then you see two Americans are trapped up there now.

And you ask yourself would it have happened if Russians were never allowed there?

And then you see Putin carpet bombing Ukraine today.  As if some how foreign nations are the cause of their problems.

And isn't that the deafening sound every alcoholic makes, that someone else is really the cause of their problems?

So perhaps a missing sentence would be, if alcohol was allowed on a Russian Space Craft was it present in Chernobyl facilities or those under the influence allowed to enter and work there?

Yeah, I know.  You don't care.  This is all just babbling to you.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Freezing Foreclosures and Repossessions during a War 08 26 2024

 I don't think that businesses like that should be able to profit from a war in that manner!

Hence if we end up in a War those banking operations should be frozen or forestalled?

Maybe for a period of perhaps 5 years after the War.

The way that big money controls our national policy justifies the implementation of this.

And could the implementation of this advert War altogether?  Perhaps, some motivational influence is taken away by it!

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy


He died for our sins 8 26 2024

Was that an attempt to make the horrors of the crucification not seem that bad?

As in, he was meant to die anyway, what of the means?

We know that Gov has a big hand in attempting to shape religion then as now.

We also know the Pharisees tried to kill many times.

So what a real nice thing to have said about someone you killed?  He died for our sins?

All the woke people back then who started to realize crucification is a horror?  Thought of a means to assuage their concerns?  Propaganda used to remain in power!

So perhaps it is true he died for our sins?  He died for the living sins of the flesh that crucified him.

It is like what do say while he done totting on the cross for three days?  You should be very happy that he died for our sins.

A member of organized views a Christian Mass from a far different perspective than the children of good men and women.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Spiked Drugs and Rock Star Deaths

When you look at how average Americans are being poisoned with drugs spiked with Fentanyl, you the great numbers and think: they weren't all junkies they were killed?  For what motive?

Then you might revisit the deaths of American Rock Stars, some happened overseas, and ask yourself the same?

All this allowed to happen after JFK who wanted to thwart org crime was killed?


So The Holy Roman Procula sentenced Jesus Christ to be crucified be cause she said he gave her a terrible dream?  She wasn't so Holy as to speak out against crucification?  So was her horrible dream one of vanity?  Can't have a soul to watch a 3 day crucification, without a soul what is a terrible dream to you?

And what happens in the modern world where you have a spoiled son or daughter that believes themselves to be a prince or princess and that delusion is broken.  Perhaps they woke up in the AM looked in the mirror and found themselves comparatively ugly?  Perhaps they experimented with drugs to join a higher mind and came to the realization they don't have a soul at all?  And that amounted jo a terrible dream?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

What is a terrible dream to the soulless?  

So we could develop a whole new institution of life saving therapies for the to disillusioned child that believes themselves to be a prince or princess and then comes to a dead stop reactionary epiphany?

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Strong Man Contest 8 24 2024

As part of the contest events, I want to see them take two tire irons and mount a tire on a rim.

And after that they can get a job in the back room of the auto shop, rather than threaten to body slam women.  A body slam can most likely kill you or break your neck.

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Tarnishing the Great Kennedy Surname forever 08 25 2024

 Came over on a famine ship like my ancestors did.

Why do they want to tarnish it once and for all forever?  Because JFK was a great man!

Because every time a Republican tries to quote him and that greatness it sounds so disingenuous it is laughable.  We saw George Bush's VP candidate try it and get strongly put in his place.

When Trump quotes Kennedy his MAGA audience seems silent.  Like he doesn't understand them.

They were supposed to release those Kennedy Assassination files a long long time ago.  But didn't.  Why not?  Because you had at least three very powerful links in that assassination.  Perhaps four or five or six.

And if they released those files today can we trust what they are releasing is truly the original or some ai generated propaganda.  (OOh, off topic, if a novel uses any AI generation in its creation then perhaps it should require a label on the side of it!!!)

They want to tarnish that Kennedy name because JFK spoke out about so many things that were wrong in this country.  Things the Republican Party seem to be full blown proponents of.


How many people that sucked up to Trump got thrown under the bus by him?  I would never want to work for him or his 2025 agenda just because of that.  So somehow RK Junior sells his votes to Trump for a position?  What is likely to happen?  Trump wins and then RK Junior is denied that position.  Not only that he takes the legal brunt for what he did!  Can you read it?  And the great Kennedy name is tarnished.  Then 2025 comes along and burns everything JFK ever said!  Seriously I do believe they are that bad.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

What else if funny is how JD Vance said bad things about Trump and Trump hired him.  Now Vance is saying all the propaganda for Trump!  It is all coming out of Vance's mouth not Trumps.  The other day he spoke and mentioned Kamala Harris name so many times you would think he was a retard freak with a psychotic fixation on her.

Trump started that with Nancy Pelosi too and look what happened to her husband.  Now he is having Vance do it.

Call somebody crazy who isn't and you get people who are really crazy lining up to prove themselves better; that time in a violent way?

Just ask yourself what JFK would have to say about Trump?  If you don't know the answer to that you ought to be ashamed to be in this country.

RK Junior: It makes him seem smarter than he is that his voice is delayed because of the neck injury?


If it was a miracle that Trump turned his head at that very time and the bullet only grazed his ear it is because God wants to keep him alive for just a little longer to use him as a negative example?

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Corn Bread Muffin w Green Pepper

 and a sprinkle of "Taco" cheese added too.

1 small box corn bread mix.  Mix cornbread mix and stir in 1 chopped green pepper and a sprinkle of shredded cheese.  O/w follow directions on box.

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Friday, August 23, 2024

Comprehension and Book Banning 08 23 2024

 I think that the problem is more lack of comprehension than anything else.

I would assert that most people young or old are capable of understanding what they read and thinking about it in real terms.

However we do know that marketing departments of businesses are using highly effective psychological techniques to get people to buy those products.

Are some of those psych techniques also working their way into books and novels?

I don't know if everyone is capable of putting a book down and saying I am not going to finish reading this because I am not going to let this influence or attempt to influence me anymore?

And perhaps there is a new strain of people out there that don't have the level of human comprehension to address this issue?  Perhaps they come from broken families.  Perhaps they were abused.  And they don't have that parents mind to help them along in life.

I really don't know the books they want to ban.

But you listen to Trump speak and you hear him contradict himself about every time that he does speak; and yet you don't seek to ban him from speaking?  Perhaps he has been censored.  But nothing likely changed his behavior all his life.  Which means what?

Bottom line, you can't have someone convicted of 34 felonies and contradicting himself leading the charge to ban books?

Let me attempt to make a simple analogy; perhaps not even accurate or relevant.  You don't hire a mob boss who just got out of prison to be your Catholic School Priest?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Republicans would have you believe 08 23 2024

Republicans would have you believe that a man convicted of 34 felonies should be the ultimate arbiter of what your children learn in school.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Jesus Contradicted the Laws that God Gave to Moses

"Though shall not commit adultery," was one of them. 

The Jews would stone someone that did?  But Jesus prevented them.  And implied that as long as they sinned even once in their life they could not administer what they thought was justice for that? 

But why is it relevant to the Bible?

Because those are the laws that God wanted the Jews to obey when they were freed from enslavement so that they would not be victimized again.

And perhaps more broadly thought of as those who worship the religion of the Bible, is that those are the laws to be obeyed if you don't want to create the precursors to enslavement of your people, whoever they may be. 

And right there, that is pretty important.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

False Flag Event 08 23 2024

 If a "event" is a false flag event all of the presented facts are not going to line up.


I don't want to consider the JFK assassination as being a false flag event but strong evidence links the shooter to the CIA.


I still have not seen an accurate accounting of the Trump shooting.

For example where are photos of the splintered gun?

What are the forensics of any bullet in the shooter? etc etc.  What were the forensics of the bullets in the innocent that were shot?

How many bullets fired by whom and when in the short timeline?

Why was the body cremated?


So why wouldn't the JFK files be released?  Because it would be treason that charges of treason were not brought in relation to the "event?"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Interesting Phrase to think about 08 23 2024

 "If they liked you they wouldn't be showcasing your bad side."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Freedom of Speech 08 22 2024

 You can say whatever you want about me, I will fight it; just as I have all my life!

But after awhile what you are going to realize is that the things I say to you in return; you will not be able to fight!

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

There is no stronger proof of Human Evolution

 There is no stronger proof of human evolution than Downs Syndrome.

It is irrefutable and undeniable.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

For Example 08 21 2024

I would like to know how Tim Walz teaches his son responsible gun ownership?

Tim, talk about that.


I asked a lot of good questions when I was in College! :)

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Tim Walz neuro divergent son

Look at the politically correct term they came up with.

And Tim said he and his wife had fertility problems.

So a lot of questions there. I mean, how?

Tim just touted gun control.  Does someone who has a child with Downs Syndrome have to take more stringent gun safety measures? 

Should they be broad brushed applied to families that don't have a Downs Syndrome child?

Project your personal problems onto the entire nation?  Pitchfork our Constitution because of those problems?

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

And I really hate to give the Republicans a stronger stance.  But I am Irish, and we are known to hold each other to a higher standard.

And what is the comparative distribution of Downs Syndrome among ethnicities?  It is based on alcohol and likely a lesser education? I got to look at those stats.  Does one color in the rainbow or rather spectrum have a higher incidence?  It isn't going to be a mystery statistic.

Looks like it goes, Hispanic,White, Black ,Asian.  Most to least, rate. Not real sure, but look gof yourself.  And there could be updated statistics somewhere.

But here is the question, if you are going through fert treatments, you would be alcohol conscience and abstain, so how?

Military Recruiting on Campus 8 21 2024

Should they be there?

Let's say you had a professor who was crooked, biased or created negative expectations?  Perhaps a biased grader or maybe even racist on some novel way?  Perhaps a colusion against man?

That is your professor, you get graded out, go to the recruiter, sign up, go overseas, shot dead.

We are forgiving college debt because that education job promise isn't being fulfilled.  But you did learn in college.  And you challenged yourself.  And you personally developed because of that.

Perhaps our Constitution we are not to have a military in times of peace.

And look what it gets us.  Military Academy wealthy brats getting politically elected.  And commissioned as officers in that military?  Is that true? ( Idk.) Why?  If true; that should never be true.

We need something like the GI Bill that isn't? Perhaps teaches skills that could immediately be transformed to military applications but aren't.


Build all that military equip, sell or give it to foreign nations not up to the equivalent of our Constitution and it comes back at us.  If we abided by our Constitution it wouldn't have happened.  Because you had no military in times of peace you wouldn't be building all that and then selling excess?  You created technologically advanced foreign enemies?  And I do think during the cold War Russia likely had immediate knowledge of our new tech.


And perhaps there are people who are at a loss after High School, join the military, and end up shooting us?  A lot of them had that military experience.  They won't be weeded out with current background checks and red flag criteria.  You don't handle that with subjective determinations or broad sweeping taking away Constitutional Rights, you do it with the Death Penalty!  No the Death Penalty is not draconian.  It is not an antiquated idea.  What a better way to build a conscience in someone potentially like that than them watching a public execution of a mass shooter?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

So let's compare the GI Bill versus Student Debt Cancellation?  Both are gov give aways?

Really religious people 8 21 3024


© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

The rare smile 8 21 2024

 The only the ime that perdon smiles is when they say, "I'm not gonna eat you today."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Why can't that person get anything right 08 21 2024

 Did you ever ask yourself that question about someone else?

And after a long reflection I come to the conclusion that the reason is usually pretty simple.

The reason they can't get anything right is because first and foremost nobody wants to admit that they don't have the capacity or potential to get anything right and never will.

Saves me a lot of headaches in attempting to try and figure out people.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

A Billionaire 08 21 2024

 I wonder how many people became billionaires by manipulating labor?

Now, likely all billionaires became billionaires by having other people do their labor/work for them.

But that isn't what I am talking about.  I am talking about manipulating labor through organizational practices? Designed to keep labor prices low.  Designed to blame accidents on the laborer and not pay the true health care costs?  Defeating environmental and safety standards with regard to labor.  Strictly controlling who can be upwardly mobile in the labor force.


Idk.  Watched the Democratic event in Chicago last night.  Liked what Bernie Sanders said, he eschewed billionaires.  Then Gov Pritzker gets up there and proudly states he is a billionaire.  And he said no one wanted to see people openly carrying assault rifles in his state.

I remember arguing with a boss once.  I didn't want a casino to come to town.  And he stated it isn't going to get like the wild west here.

Well.  When you look at the news on television, it is like the wild west.  And in Illinois it is even worse.  

In the wild west they had side arms.  I see nothing wrong with it.  You want to know why?  It gives the criminal minded a sense of lifetime finality when they see that and perhaps it scares some sense into them.

So could it be said a leader doesn't want scared sense being indoctrinated?

Likely those who openly carry know of personal stories of family neighbors or friends that were victimized by hoodlums.  And that is why they carry.  And for that reason alone I believe that they have every right to.  I don't think a community should be where the 400 pound crime enforcer who talks like he has a mouth full of cannoli's rules everyone out of fear.  And our Constitution, our supreme law of the land, sides with me.  

I had never seen him speak before.  I didn't think I was going to like him.  I lived in Chicago and it is an odd noisy soul stealing place.  Ugly.  But as I listened to him speak I thought perhaps he is not as bad as I thought he would be.  And then in retrospect, it is like ack.


So Michelle Obama and others have mentioned funding being cut for IVF, in Vitro Fertilization.  I have to stop and she was also mad about the rights of the abnormally orientated being violated.

I will give the Republicans the bene of doubt and wonder if their is some research or statistics that are not widely known, that they are referencing, whereby IVF....those created by it have a higher rate of abnormal orientation or mental emotional based problems?


And boy did M Obama look hot last night!  That short hair cut!  She looked like a Tank Commander!  And then what an extremely beautiful smile came out about twice.  But then you saw her walk away that hair was all like stacked cotton candy in back.  The first half of what she said didn't appeal to me.  Then it got a lot better.  And then in retrospect it was like what kind of ill aggression was that?


And those at a Republican rally applaud on command whenever Donald Trump tells them to whereas at a Democratic rally everyone seems to stand around dejected and not know what to applaud at.  Sad.  And I don't like to see the Democratic Party being led astray.  They label the Democratic Party Liberal so that when Republican initiatives to take away rights like a womans right to have an abortion are taken away it makes it seem justified.  Perhaps best stated like this, who takes away the rights the liberal or the Conservative?  A liberal takes away the rights because it is a projection of their own irresponsibility and ineptitude and hence other people should have that right either.  

Let the states decide everything.  Donald Trump almost wants to cry as he bemoans that!  What is that akin to?  It is akin to creating a commune of every state.  And you can't get more ugly liberal than that.  Donald Started out as a Democrat and said he could never become a Republican, now he is the worst example of what a bad Republican is.


I'll vote for the smile of Kamala Harris.  Sure it could be that smiling face that tells lies.  But I'll vote for it anyway.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps.  And Barrack seemed a little dry mouthed.  A lot of a wincing chin as he spoke.  Not much certitude or relevant point?

And in general I see the Democrats being of the harder working mentality.  Overwhelmed by the pseudo problem child Republican problems in our communities.


Don't remember anything Schumer (sp?) had to say.  But I just don't like his gaze.  Don't tell me I can't say that.  Don't you dare tell me I can't say that.


And I didn't hear any of that long voweled wah wah wah in Michelle Obama's voice last night!  She must have had a speaking coach or had some form of speech therapy!  Great job Michelle!  To recognize where you need to improve and be motivated to improve and then work successfully to improve.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Republicans Let the States Decide 8 20 2024

 Good God, why don't you make every state it's own individual Commune!

That is what you really want!

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Philosophy 08 20 2024

 Anyone that falsely claims that you are a screw up when you are not; is likely a screw up.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

34 Felonies and the Good Fight 08 20 2024

 Is someone convicted of 34 Felonies going to fight the good fight?

Does someone convicted of 34 Felonies even know what the good fight is?

Is someone convicted of 34 Felonies even capable of knowing what the good fight is?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Let's say a drug dealer owns a Lake Home 08 20 2024

 Perhaps upon conviction if there is not another boat ramp on that lake the law should be that the house is to be torn down and a boat ramp placed there.

If there are two viable boat ramps on that lake then perhaps that lakefront property should be converted to a beachfront property or public fishing pier property!

And if the banks lent money for a mortgage to a drug dealer I really don't care if they don't get their money back.  They should count their lucky stars that they are not convicted as being a party to organized crime.  


Oh wagon Christ.

Lets say that a lawyer owns a lakefront property and uses cocaine.  Same as per above!  But what about the lawyers wife!  How could you say she doesn't get anything?  Too bad!  She gets to choose again and choose wisely!  She should have chosen more wisely!

Oh my God,  and what a terrible thing if all those lawyers wives would have to come to the sorry conclusion that they should have chosen more wisely.

So should someone like that be put on social security?  Should they be allowed back into United States Business?  I say no!  Already proven themselves completely rotten as an adult!

So how about a form of Social Security for freed convicts?  Whereby any whim of a violation gets it taken away like a violation of parole?  But then what?  I don't believe in creating the homeless.

But what do you do when you have a proven large faction of law breakers?  I don't believe in work camps.

If you put them altogether you have just created a "commune" for them? So wait a minute, did I just prove organized crime in Communism?  How much further than that do I need to go to prove it?

And there is a great concept, "How much further do I have to go to prove something?"  Good lord!

So that wife perhaps gets a designation like someone on parole does?  Lets see what would it be?  Known conclusively to marry and support a member of organized crime? KCMSMOC  perhaps pronounced Kissymock?

And perhaps there could be public health clubs where someone like that isn't allowed per that designation?  And wouldn't you feel better if their were private clubs around that excluded members of organized crime.  I mean think about it.  Kind of opposite of how things are.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy


Now listen to your emotional reaction on this next part.-

Lets say that the lake home we took away from a drug dealer we then gave to a homeless person?

You being the neighbor of that house how would you feel?  How should you feel?

You value the high spending criminal as being better don't you!  The person who committed crimes to attain all that wealth, you value them as being a better neighbor!  Don't you!  So here we are dealing with a new type of persons perception aren't we!  Does it have a basis in reality?  That person has a stereotypical belief.  But is it based in reality! 


How the Constitution is Manipulated ? 08 20 2024

 The idea that everything is subject to be reinterpreted to a specific individuals thinking.

And then comes the idea that in general the matter should be subjected to a reinterpretation of thinking.

And then coming around to, the idea that the matter should be subjected to "my" interpretation.

As if there is artistic license or divine right that precedes the Constitution.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

What is fascism if not paganism?  Fascism more or less worshiping a leader as if they are a God?  Deferring to their judgment in every matter?  But what makes it paganism?  Perhaps what the God of the Bible stated in the Ten Commandments, "There shall be no other God before me."  That essentially makes Fascism paganism.  But it also depends on who believes in the Fascist leader and why they believe in them.  To defer all judgment to such a person is paganism.  To not accept anything they say as being faulted or the inability to find any fault with what they said, that is also paganism.

So here we have an element of fascism that borders on mentally retarded followers? The inability to find any fault being an indication of mental retardation?  Hence fascism, paganism and mental retardation are all related.

And how could a mentally defective person truly believe that God created them?  And what emotion immediately comes into their mind as they compare themselves to other people that supports that assertion?


And so, you look for fault in something you read, perhaps that I wrote, and you can't find fault.  But you still find it highly disturbing.  Because you know it means in some way that the fault lies with you!

Here's a bit of color.  "You are the fault line!"

Genetics and Genetic Predisposition 08 20 2024

 You never ever ever hear those terms in Politics!

And they are highly relevant to Political Issues!

And they are also the pinnacle of modern science!

So why don't you hear them?

Because somebody wants to maintain a critical delusion? 


And can you believe it; right away there are some that think this is a racist statement!  It isn't.

It is more like this, we are all competing as one happy family in this country accept for the person who just committed a crime?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, August 19, 2024

Are Republicans

Genesis 1:28

God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it..."

I sure hope that Republicans don't believe that the term "subdueing the earth" means not having an environmental policy to prevent pollution (in favor of business?).

If that is what the Bible meant then we should chuck it and chuck it fast!

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Source of quoted material.

Coining a Term 8 19 2024

 "Bile Sword"

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

The gestalt of some of that modern music is

 A black woman singing a lullaby.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Beans Tip 8 18 2024

 Because of all the "syrup" in a can of beans I often add some ground up oatmeal or barley to them.

It soaks up that syrup and is a more hearty/healthy balance.

The little white specks in the picture are the grains.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

A False Standard 8 18 2024

 A false standard is, "Pleasure constitutes normality?"

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Sports Note 8 18 2024

 You don't want a "bad" player on your team for too long because it solidifies a standard.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

The Crux We Became 08 18 2024

 "When the only people who can afford to have children are the ones who make rotten parents."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Rhubarb Pie 8 17 2024


© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Tiger Cats 8 17 2024


© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

The Fifth Amendment Right to Remain Silent

The Fifth Amendment Right to Remain Silent

I get it. There are people out there who fixate on the human mind and will twist anything that you say to be used against you!

And our Founding Fathers knew it too! The existence of that right means the knowledge of the existence of those who would seek to violate it! Don't ever forget what I just told you there! The existence of your rights means the Founding Fathers had exact knowledge of the nature and existence of those who would seek to violate those specific rights!

So it indeed implies there are horrible people among us!

I think that the concept of that right needs to be expanded! You have the right not to be friends with people who are going down the road to violating your rights and sense of self. I think it is a very good idea not to be friends with people like that!

But what about the work place? Do you have the right not to work with or for a terrible person? I believe you do! And if I were President I would seek to change that.

Off topic. I would also create a database whereby people could log in if someone was a childhood bully and that childhood bully would never be allowed to become a member of law enforcement? In Catholic School they taught us that they way you are when you are 10 years old is likely to be how you are your entire life! You see video after video where a Police Officer is bullying someone so that it escalates and they can shoot them. I am not for defunding the Police as much as defunding the police and then restablishing it to not be that!

The right in any Psychiatric Inquiry to remain silent without it in ANY way be considered self incriminating that you chose to remain silent.

A little observation? Usually it is those people who are trying to convince you that you are everybody else's problem who are really the people who are everybody else's problem!

Another point is, should law firms be allowed to create or sit on excess profits? You have a prosecution and a defense. We know one of them is lying right? If it is the prosecution they end up in jail. However if it is the defense attorney they don't? And hence it leads to the accumulation of excess profits? And then the most deceitful around us try and convince human normality that they are really everyone elses problem? The sickness has to end.

Should Investment firms be allowed to manage government fixed income portfolios? For what purpose?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, August 16, 2024

Yep yep yep Breakfast 8 16 2024

 The bacon and pepper jelly toast is vanquishing a headache.

American Life!

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, August 12, 2024

Finance by Thomas Paul Murphy 8 12 2024

 What I would do as President?

If you have a credit card you should be able to carry a credit balance on that credit card just as if it were also a savings account.

And I would legislate that they have to pay you the same rate on that interest income as they would on interest on a balance due.

It would recertify who is important in our nation.

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

They do not make policy today without a contrived, often publicly unknown reason, that benefits only themself.

Flash Fiction Humor 08 12 2024

 "The sign on the restaurant read, 'Ouchies Burgers.'"

©2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Humor Is: An Iowa Taco 8 12 2024


Potato Salad in folded Ham.

© 2012 Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, August 9, 2024

Awe Yeah Cool Photo 8 9 2024

 © 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Quote 08 09 2024

 "She doesn't want to think; she wants to hate."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Religion Is??? 08 09 2024

 I have a real hard time believing in the principle that,

"A God is someone that we worship and the sacrifice."

I just don't like it.

As if it is this, when did you stop seeing the good in the person that you then decided they should be sacrificed?  You worshiped him to a point and then decided to sacrifice him?

To sacrifice a God in accordance with Gods will?

As if the sacrifice was a form of worship?  That is how a mentally retarded person attempts to create an alibi?

I could keep articulating this.  But those points are solid enough for now.

So another God said that you should sacrifice Jesus?  And that is what happened?  And the Catholic Church believes in Jesus as God.  And also the trinity.  That the other God was part of Jesus and hence ...

But look at the message there?  If you believe in someone then you should sacrifice them?  Completely psychotic!  Completely psychotic!

The God that wanted Jesus sacrificed spoke to him and Jesus stated only he spoke his word?  

Why didn't Jesus just live his whole life with that motto printed on his shirt?  "To believe in me is to sacrifice me?"

It doesn't hold up.  I wouldn't mention it, but I don't need to hear all that.

And we know that they tried to kill Jesus many times and somehow he wasn't amenable to it at those times but only after a certain time he was amenable to it?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Generation Drugs & Darias Dowry 08 08 2024

The younger generation smokes pot to deal with the alcoholism of the older generation?

And the older generation drinks alcohol to deal with the pot smoking younger generation?

And round and round it goes.

And some do both or more.  Light up a cigarette to get through work?  

No dowry worth collecting on.

Humor is in the phrase; "Darias Dowry."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Why Could You Be Wrong 8 8 2024

The person who is always trying to figure why you could be wrong?

That is someone that doesn't believe in you?

Or perhaps they do, and by asking why you could be wrong they are solidifying their understanding of an issue?  ~As to why you are right..

Then there are people who don't want to believe you are right because it conflicts with their weak sense of origin of understanding?  Because if you are right it means that somehow they really don't understand the issue?  And they don't want to confront that in themselves?  

Again, to much work for the non we working class to have to think about something.  They want to lunt emotions to apply to life?  Because if they start to think more than that it hurts?  They don't want to get to be a critical or sharp thinker because that sharpness defeats themself?  As if there has been a non congruent thought process going on in them all the time?  Might superficially be defined as weird?

But the person who always thinks your right does you know good either, because they will misapply when you are right to  inapplicable instances.  Faulted analogy thinking.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

About Old Clothing

 Apparently when you donate clothing to someplace like Goodwill if they can not sell it to people in their stores they will sell it to a textiles recycling place.  

So it will be utilized!

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Humorous Quote 08 07 2024

 "I want to be that man who can read that book by the time it is due back at the library."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

A Tribute 08 06 2024

"What someone can attribute to you is limited by their own attributes."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Potato Salad and Ham 08 06 2024

 © 2024 Thomas Murphy

Selling or giving drugs to a member of another Race? 08 06 2024

 Oooh!  Oooh!  This one is like a titanium wedge!

Should it be a more serious crime to sell or give drugs to a member of another race?

In the Nuremburg(?) trials of Nz war criminals a crime against humanity was to interfere with the reproduction of another race????

Do you see what the implications of this are?  You really can't fault it from either side without having culpability.

If you were to say why should the sentencing be any different it could be stated the individual selling or giving the drugs is attempting to interfere with the learning development of another race!  I would also support this notion in that only members of a certain ethnicity are allowed to climb the ranks of organized crime?  So organized crime has been racist from day one in this country!  Who knew.  Made my blood boil all allow.  You watched those movies aggrandizing organized crime and were the happiness folk around while it made my blood boil.  The connection here is that it was organized crime who initially establishes the selling of the drugs.  Do I have to write out the whole logic tree in order for you to be able to understand that?

I could articulate this one more, however it stands to reason as it is.

You would say I can't prove it is racist.  And I would say you can't prove that it isn't a crime against another race.

So you have a criminal minded race indoctrinating a non criminal minded race in every case of it?  Given the origin and organizational structure there is an element of truth to that.

I consider myself to be Irish white.  I find that to be different than "fee fi fo fum I smell the blood of an Irishman" English White.  I find that to be different than Mia Familia Romulus and Remus white.  I find it to be different than the other white races who have purposefully differentiated themselves to the point whereby you can't say they are a separate race because it hits a pseudo nerve?  They declare from the highest mountain it but you can't say it?  That is exactly the kind of world Dxxxxxx Txxxx wants?  To be a bozo and then cry foul when anyone says you are?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps. The person pushing the drugs on you knows that you are somehow better than them and that is why they are doing it?  I assert that is true.  Perhaps in the weakest case of the argument you are better because you are innocent of their badness and why they are that way?

So it was WI Representative Sensenbrenner who suggest eliminating the BATF

 So because he mentioned it that should make it a topic that is safe for me to talk about?

We could do a lot better job at managing all three of those items, alcohol, tobacco and firearms.


a. It should be restricted both from any man or woman accused of domestic abuse and any man or woman who is a victim of domestic abuse.

b. It should be lifetime restricted from anyone who is born with mental retardation.

c.  It should be restricted from any new immigrant for a period of ten years.

d.  It should be restricted from anyone who has an illness that alcohol makes worse or more deadly. 

e.  It should be restricted for drinking purposes (some for cooking should be okay) for anyone who has a mental illness whereby they are tormented by insulting voices or have had an ancestor who had it.  And this isn't to be mean to that person, it is quite the opposite of that.

f.  It should be restricted from any man or woman who is married and wants to have a baby.

g.  Second time in prison barred for life from alcohol.

2. Tobacco?

I don't know where to start?  Completely bad.

3. Firearms?  The Constitution is pretty clear that they can't and should be regulated.  But in the case of mental retardation caused by perhaps a missing part of the brain that never formed it could be restricted just out of common sense.  But should a father or mother who got stone cold drunk and then pregnant and then stone cold drunk every day while pregnant be allowed to have one?  What is life about to someone like that.  But no, if someone like that gets up and goes to work every day, and they are valued, and they don't bother anyone else or seek to bother anyone else in life, if they have made their own way fairly, I think you can't restrict them.  Why?  Because you could have bandits like in a Mexican western ride up to their house and take everything from them, and you know dam well that is wrong!


Off topic.  So Republicans are not for abortion.  But look at it.  Let's say you had a guy who had three wives.  And perhaps he has 5 children and more grandchildren from them.  And this guy wants to go into politics.  And every one of those children from those 3 wives and every one of those grandchildren get up there at that podium and speak the praises of him.  He has created his own political machine!  And something about it isn't right.  As if, perhaps if you want supporters they should be more legitimate than family?  To fire everyone except family?  I don't like it.

I mean what if you had a reality television show where they just came out and said, "The reason I am firing you is because a member of my family has just learned everything that you know about the job and we don't need you anymore.  The reason I am firing you is because you aren't part of my family."  And what is the gestalt connotation of the word family in the instance of business?  It was euphemism for organized crime wasn't it!

So a lot of the things I am seeing by that Republican Party, the bamboozling and instances of it to me have a nuance element of organized crime in it.  So there were questions about who was freed in a prisoner exchange with Russia?  Whereas I am still asking why a Russian American criminal was pardoned?


So what is the ugly thing that could happen?  You could have DT sentenced to jail and JDV elevated to Pres candidate.  And the on the fence Republican voters vote for him because his known fleas aren't known?  And then DT gets out of jail just in time...or is then pardoned by JDV and becomes VP and then DT says that he is really Pres and JDV isn't..

And what about fighting for a foreign religious state?  Highly unconstitutional in my belief.  But someone once told me that the Catholic religion and that religion were a lot in common or same.  And I do see those similarities very well.  So what does it mean?  It means a lot!  It means a lot!

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Quote 08 06 2024

 "The reason that person doesn't know any better is because they can't know any better."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, August 5, 2024

Legal Tactic? 08 05 2024

 Clarence Thomas Breaks With Supreme Court Over Donald Trump Trial Lawsuit (

With regard to a point made in the above article.

Badger the judge during the whole trial until you evoke an emotional response and then claim there was a judicial bias?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Valueless 08 04 2024

 "When the highly successful really wouldn't make great youth counselors."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

A Novelty Name Is 08 04 2024

 "Igor Advisors"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday Preaching Phrase of the Day 08 04 2024

 "Transgendered by transubstantiation."

Whoa, say the Bishop!

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

What if it were illegal to sell or give alcohol to a homeless person? 08 04 2024

 I don't know, I kind of like the idea.  Full disclosure, I am not a drinker.

Naysayers would say you are preventing that person from the pursuit of happiness.  Baloney!

Naysayers would say that homeless person wouldn't be able to go to church because they have wine at mass...that you would be making a convicted felon out of a priest?  So what.

Does it help the "neighborhood revenue" to sell alcohol to the homeless?  How does it make that neighborhood better?  And who owns all those convenience stores too?  I mean when I was a boy couldn't I have wanted to own one.

Convenience stores are often part of gas stations, hence oil companies.  Did you know that oil companies have had policies of preferring to sell to certain ethnicities?  For ostensible reasons?  We don't know the real reason or dare not say it?


So I need to research and read what happened to a school systems money?  And wouldn't that fall directly in line with Republican effort to push through private or religious schools and make you foot the bill for it?  And good God they are getting us into a WW3 based on religion?  On supporting a religious state country?  As if they couldn't bring our country down by Trump bum rushing the election results they now want to get us into WW3 and then usher in a religious state of our country?  So indeed if the Bible states you are in big trouble for making someone doubt Christ?  Right there I think they are making us doubt Christ?

Turn our Democracy of the free into a Kingdom controlled by the God awful?

I mean he is one of those who would never go to church because it would pain him to sit there and be still and listen for an hour.  And yet wants to claim that he is the most holy among us?  They are absolutely sickening.  When I read the things they say, the lies, I just want to cry.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

If Republicans can say that you can't vote without an ID then I can say that you can't have alcohol without having a home.  Or cigarettes.  Bah Hah!

And every time you show your id to buy alcohol a bad person learns where you live?  Heck with you if I assert it is very true and you don't like it!

"Listen a$$h013 you have no right to know where I live!  You are blessed and lucky to know anything about me.  You are blessed and lucky to be reading my word right now!"

Saturday, August 3, 2024

If Republicans Can Say 08 03 2024

If Republicans can say no Abortions could not Democrats say no Adoptions?

And then what would happen?  You would have to support those mothers with children through welfare rather than trickle down economics?

I doubt Republicans would care about Abortion at all if they could not adopt?  Society would have to recognize the cause of their infertility? Be a great thing to happen wouldn't it?

So the Bible tells us two women said a baby was theirs.  And we know one was lying.

I grew up in Catholic school thinking what a horrible horrible woman to lie about that!  Perhaps you didn't.  Perhaps you didn't see it that way.

We will never hear from those who didn't see it that way, we will just experience their anger.

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Subtitled: How the Bible shaped my views on abortion.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Humor: Energy Drinks 08 02 2024

 A funny thing to call an energy drink would be a "Scientist Drink."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Can you imagine if the Democratic Candidate had 34 Felonies and Trump had None? 08 02 2024

 Trump would be harping so loudly that his head would look like a tomato about to burst.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Quote 08 02 2024

 "What does a monkey know of tools not weapons?"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy 

Is it one or the other or both 08 02 2024

 So there was a case on a river in Wisconsin.  I don't know the exact details.  I just saw a video on, was it CNN.

So a middle aged man of what looked to be a Russian surname is said to be the one who caused trouble with some motley looking teenagers?

The video shows them surrounding him and yelling at him.  Again, I don't know what happened before or any details other than what the video showed.  So this could be way off.

I could make one point here regarding video evidence and cases.  The public ought to be able to read case details somewhere?  Shouldn't it be public knowledge?  After all they do use these happenings to push through legislation?  The second point here with regard to video evidence is what can be said to be factual about it and an agreed upon truth.  For example take a length of footage and everyone agrees on the words this person said at that moment in the timeline of the video.  That becomes a factual element of truth and could be labeled as such in a written transcript?

So they surround him, we see him pushed into the water.  And right there if you hadn't seen any other part of the video you would say it looks like they are about to drown him!

Then he pulls the sharpest knife out of his swimming trunks, that is all he is wearing, and kills one of them, and disembowels another.  And set quite a few of them to the hospital.

So he got 20 years because they said he started it.  And you can't start it and then use deadly force to finish it.

But did the knife come out before they pushed him down?

The point I am getting at has to do with justice?  You certainly wouldn't want someone who instigates trouble and then disembowles people living next door to you.  But do you want a group of young adults who surround someone yell at him and then push him down into the water living next to you either?  Again, I don't know the details.  So perhaps this is wrong?

Is it wrong for me to comment on something when all the details are not provided?  If I just comment on what I see and know, I could get in trouble?  And that isn't right!  The Second Amendment should protect me.  And off topic, but what happens when you have a President so wierd that every word that comes out of his mouth seems to have the intent on inciting unconstitutional civil unrest.

But the main point here is I believe we are decaying as a society.  Whereby the justice system is going to fail us because we are going to have more and more instances whereby it isn't one or the other who is guilty it is both!  And only one of the two party's is usually only found guilty?

Did you follow that?  Perhaps it has to do with a lesser standard?  Perhaps it has to do with those who couldn't be educated.

But just tell me what we are to do when it isn't one or the other, it is both!

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Soups On 08 01 2024


© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

I was looking for something for 5 days

 And today I asked "Genie" for help.  And found it.

But I also might have mentioned the names St. Peter and St. Jude around the time I asked "Genie!"

Asking "Genie" for help had a better feel to it.  It was somehow empowering.


© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Coronavirus 08 01 2024

 Coronavirus killed a lot of people, and then they raised the prices for the ones that are left.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

An unrecognized form of mental illness would be 08 01 2024

 The individual who insults and belittles other people as a matter of self praise!

In other words every time they insult someone they get a benefit or reward from it that feels like praise to themselves?

And so they thrive from being a bad person.  Out of necessity?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy