The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, August 9, 2024

Religion Is??? 08 09 2024

 I have a real hard time believing in the principle that,

"A God is someone that we worship and the sacrifice."

I just don't like it.

As if it is this, when did you stop seeing the good in the person that you then decided they should be sacrificed?  You worshiped him to a point and then decided to sacrifice him?

To sacrifice a God in accordance with Gods will?

As if the sacrifice was a form of worship?  That is how a mentally retarded person attempts to create an alibi?

I could keep articulating this.  But those points are solid enough for now.

So another God said that you should sacrifice Jesus?  And that is what happened?  And the Catholic Church believes in Jesus as God.  And also the trinity.  That the other God was part of Jesus and hence ...

But look at the message there?  If you believe in someone then you should sacrifice them?  Completely psychotic!  Completely psychotic!

The God that wanted Jesus sacrificed spoke to him and Jesus stated only he spoke his word?  

Why didn't Jesus just live his whole life with that motto printed on his shirt?  "To believe in me is to sacrifice me?"

It doesn't hold up.  I wouldn't mention it, but I don't need to hear all that.

And we know that they tried to kill Jesus many times and somehow he wasn't amenable to it at those times but only after a certain time he was amenable to it?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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