The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Military Recruiting on Campus 8 21 2024

Should they be there?

Let's say you had a professor who was crooked, biased or created negative expectations?  Perhaps a biased grader or maybe even racist on some novel way?  Perhaps a colusion against man?

That is your professor, you get graded out, go to the recruiter, sign up, go overseas, shot dead.

We are forgiving college debt because that education job promise isn't being fulfilled.  But you did learn in college.  And you challenged yourself.  And you personally developed because of that.

Perhaps our Constitution we are not to have a military in times of peace.

And look what it gets us.  Military Academy wealthy brats getting politically elected.  And commissioned as officers in that military?  Is that true? ( Idk.) Why?  If true; that should never be true.

We need something like the GI Bill that isn't? Perhaps teaches skills that could immediately be transformed to military applications but aren't.


Build all that military equip, sell or give it to foreign nations not up to the equivalent of our Constitution and it comes back at us.  If we abided by our Constitution it wouldn't have happened.  Because you had no military in times of peace you wouldn't be building all that and then selling excess?  You created technologically advanced foreign enemies?  And I do think during the cold War Russia likely had immediate knowledge of our new tech.


And perhaps there are people who are at a loss after High School, join the military, and end up shooting us?  A lot of them had that military experience.  They won't be weeded out with current background checks and red flag criteria.  You don't handle that with subjective determinations or broad sweeping taking away Constitutional Rights, you do it with the Death Penalty!  No the Death Penalty is not draconian.  It is not an antiquated idea.  What a better way to build a conscience in someone potentially like that than them watching a public execution of a mass shooter?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

So let's compare the GI Bill versus Student Debt Cancellation?  Both are gov give aways?

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