The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Billionaire 08 21 2024

 I wonder how many people became billionaires by manipulating labor?

Now, likely all billionaires became billionaires by having other people do their labor/work for them.

But that isn't what I am talking about.  I am talking about manipulating labor through organizational practices? Designed to keep labor prices low.  Designed to blame accidents on the laborer and not pay the true health care costs?  Defeating environmental and safety standards with regard to labor.  Strictly controlling who can be upwardly mobile in the labor force.


Idk.  Watched the Democratic event in Chicago last night.  Liked what Bernie Sanders said, he eschewed billionaires.  Then Gov Pritzker gets up there and proudly states he is a billionaire.  And he said no one wanted to see people openly carrying assault rifles in his state.

I remember arguing with a boss once.  I didn't want a casino to come to town.  And he stated it isn't going to get like the wild west here.

Well.  When you look at the news on television, it is like the wild west.  And in Illinois it is even worse.  

In the wild west they had side arms.  I see nothing wrong with it.  You want to know why?  It gives the criminal minded a sense of lifetime finality when they see that and perhaps it scares some sense into them.

So could it be said a leader doesn't want scared sense being indoctrinated?

Likely those who openly carry know of personal stories of family neighbors or friends that were victimized by hoodlums.  And that is why they carry.  And for that reason alone I believe that they have every right to.  I don't think a community should be where the 400 pound crime enforcer who talks like he has a mouth full of cannoli's rules everyone out of fear.  And our Constitution, our supreme law of the land, sides with me.  

I had never seen him speak before.  I didn't think I was going to like him.  I lived in Chicago and it is an odd noisy soul stealing place.  Ugly.  But as I listened to him speak I thought perhaps he is not as bad as I thought he would be.  And then in retrospect, it is like ack.


So Michelle Obama and others have mentioned funding being cut for IVF, in Vitro Fertilization.  I have to stop and she was also mad about the rights of the abnormally orientated being violated.

I will give the Republicans the bene of doubt and wonder if their is some research or statistics that are not widely known, that they are referencing, whereby IVF....those created by it have a higher rate of abnormal orientation or mental emotional based problems?


And boy did M Obama look hot last night!  That short hair cut!  She looked like a Tank Commander!  And then what an extremely beautiful smile came out about twice.  But then you saw her walk away that hair was all like stacked cotton candy in back.  The first half of what she said didn't appeal to me.  Then it got a lot better.  And then in retrospect it was like what kind of ill aggression was that?


And those at a Republican rally applaud on command whenever Donald Trump tells them to whereas at a Democratic rally everyone seems to stand around dejected and not know what to applaud at.  Sad.  And I don't like to see the Democratic Party being led astray.  They label the Democratic Party Liberal so that when Republican initiatives to take away rights like a womans right to have an abortion are taken away it makes it seem justified.  Perhaps best stated like this, who takes away the rights the liberal or the Conservative?  A liberal takes away the rights because it is a projection of their own irresponsibility and ineptitude and hence other people should have that right either.  

Let the states decide everything.  Donald Trump almost wants to cry as he bemoans that!  What is that akin to?  It is akin to creating a commune of every state.  And you can't get more ugly liberal than that.  Donald Started out as a Democrat and said he could never become a Republican, now he is the worst example of what a bad Republican is.


I'll vote for the smile of Kamala Harris.  Sure it could be that smiling face that tells lies.  But I'll vote for it anyway.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps.  And Barrack seemed a little dry mouthed.  A lot of a wincing chin as he spoke.  Not much certitude or relevant point?

And in general I see the Democrats being of the harder working mentality.  Overwhelmed by the pseudo problem child Republican problems in our communities.


Don't remember anything Schumer (sp?) had to say.  But I just don't like his gaze.  Don't tell me I can't say that.  Don't you dare tell me I can't say that.


And I didn't hear any of that long voweled wah wah wah in Michelle Obama's voice last night!  She must have had a speaking coach or had some form of speech therapy!  Great job Michelle!  To recognize where you need to improve and be motivated to improve and then work successfully to improve.

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