The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Fifth Amendment Right to Remain Silent

The Fifth Amendment Right to Remain Silent

I get it. There are people out there who fixate on the human mind and will twist anything that you say to be used against you!

And our Founding Fathers knew it too! The existence of that right means the knowledge of the existence of those who would seek to violate it! Don't ever forget what I just told you there! The existence of your rights means the Founding Fathers had exact knowledge of the nature and existence of those who would seek to violate those specific rights!

So it indeed implies there are horrible people among us!

I think that the concept of that right needs to be expanded! You have the right not to be friends with people who are going down the road to violating your rights and sense of self. I think it is a very good idea not to be friends with people like that!

But what about the work place? Do you have the right not to work with or for a terrible person? I believe you do! And if I were President I would seek to change that.

Off topic. I would also create a database whereby people could log in if someone was a childhood bully and that childhood bully would never be allowed to become a member of law enforcement? In Catholic School they taught us that they way you are when you are 10 years old is likely to be how you are your entire life! You see video after video where a Police Officer is bullying someone so that it escalates and they can shoot them. I am not for defunding the Police as much as defunding the police and then restablishing it to not be that!

The right in any Psychiatric Inquiry to remain silent without it in ANY way be considered self incriminating that you chose to remain silent.

A little observation? Usually it is those people who are trying to convince you that you are everybody else's problem who are really the people who are everybody else's problem!

Another point is, should law firms be allowed to create or sit on excess profits? You have a prosecution and a defense. We know one of them is lying right? If it is the prosecution they end up in jail. However if it is the defense attorney they don't? And hence it leads to the accumulation of excess profits? And then the most deceitful around us try and convince human normality that they are really everyone elses problem? The sickness has to end.

Should Investment firms be allowed to manage government fixed income portfolios? For what purpose?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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