The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, August 26, 2024

Communism and Chernobyl 08 26 2024

So I once read that some Russian Cosmonauts snuck alcohol up aboard one of their "space ships."

Just stop right there and think about it!  How high tech everything on a space craft is.  How many switches are need to perform a multitude of various functions.  The safety parameters that must be strictly adhered to.

And then you wonder how many Russians are alcoholics?


If the active disease made it all the way to their space craft?  It signals that people are not happy at all in Communism if they have that broad-spread a substance abuse issue?

So look at that?

And you wonder if something of that nature caused the Chernobyl melt down?

And then you ask yourself about an International Space Station whereby Russians were on it.  As if their country was the equivalent of ours?

And then you see two Americans are trapped up there now.

And you ask yourself would it have happened if Russians were never allowed there?

And then you see Putin carpet bombing Ukraine today.  As if some how foreign nations are the cause of their problems.

And isn't that the deafening sound every alcoholic makes, that someone else is really the cause of their problems?

So perhaps a missing sentence would be, if alcohol was allowed on a Russian Space Craft was it present in Chernobyl facilities or those under the influence allowed to enter and work there?

Yeah, I know.  You don't care.  This is all just babbling to you.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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