The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

How the Constitution is Manipulated ? 08 20 2024

 The idea that everything is subject to be reinterpreted to a specific individuals thinking.

And then comes the idea that in general the matter should be subjected to a reinterpretation of thinking.

And then coming around to, the idea that the matter should be subjected to "my" interpretation.

As if there is artistic license or divine right that precedes the Constitution.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

What is fascism if not paganism?  Fascism more or less worshiping a leader as if they are a God?  Deferring to their judgment in every matter?  But what makes it paganism?  Perhaps what the God of the Bible stated in the Ten Commandments, "There shall be no other God before me."  That essentially makes Fascism paganism.  But it also depends on who believes in the Fascist leader and why they believe in them.  To defer all judgment to such a person is paganism.  To not accept anything they say as being faulted or the inability to find any fault with what they said, that is also paganism.

So here we have an element of fascism that borders on mentally retarded followers? The inability to find any fault being an indication of mental retardation?  Hence fascism, paganism and mental retardation are all related.

And how could a mentally defective person truly believe that God created them?  And what emotion immediately comes into their mind as they compare themselves to other people that supports that assertion?


And so, you look for fault in something you read, perhaps that I wrote, and you can't find fault.  But you still find it highly disturbing.  Because you know it means in some way that the fault lies with you!

Here's a bit of color.  "You are the fault line!"

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