The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, August 3, 2024

If Republicans Can Say 08 03 2024

If Republicans can say no Abortions could not Democrats say no Adoptions?

And then what would happen?  You would have to support those mothers with children through welfare rather than trickle down economics?

I doubt Republicans would care about Abortion at all if they could not adopt?  Society would have to recognize the cause of their infertility? Be a great thing to happen wouldn't it?

So the Bible tells us two women said a baby was theirs.  And we know one was lying.

I grew up in Catholic school thinking what a horrible horrible woman to lie about that!  Perhaps you didn't.  Perhaps you didn't see it that way.

We will never hear from those who didn't see it that way, we will just experience their anger.

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Subtitled: How the Bible shaped my views on abortion.

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