The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, August 23, 2024

Jesus Contradicted the Laws that God Gave to Moses

"Though shall not commit adultery," was one of them. 

The Jews would stone someone that did?  But Jesus prevented them.  And implied that as long as they sinned even once in their life they could not administer what they thought was justice for that? 

But why is it relevant to the Bible?

Because those are the laws that God wanted the Jews to obey when they were freed from enslavement so that they would not be victimized again.

And perhaps more broadly thought of as those who worship the religion of the Bible, is that those are the laws to be obeyed if you don't want to create the precursors to enslavement of your people, whoever they may be. 

And right there, that is pretty important.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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