The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

So it was WI Representative Sensenbrenner who suggest eliminating the BATF

 So because he mentioned it that should make it a topic that is safe for me to talk about?

We could do a lot better job at managing all three of those items, alcohol, tobacco and firearms.


a. It should be restricted both from any man or woman accused of domestic abuse and any man or woman who is a victim of domestic abuse.

b. It should be lifetime restricted from anyone who is born with mental retardation.

c.  It should be restricted from any new immigrant for a period of ten years.

d.  It should be restricted from anyone who has an illness that alcohol makes worse or more deadly. 

e.  It should be restricted for drinking purposes (some for cooking should be okay) for anyone who has a mental illness whereby they are tormented by insulting voices or have had an ancestor who had it.  And this isn't to be mean to that person, it is quite the opposite of that.

f.  It should be restricted from any man or woman who is married and wants to have a baby.

g.  Second time in prison barred for life from alcohol.

2. Tobacco?

I don't know where to start?  Completely bad.

3. Firearms?  The Constitution is pretty clear that they can't and should be regulated.  But in the case of mental retardation caused by perhaps a missing part of the brain that never formed it could be restricted just out of common sense.  But should a father or mother who got stone cold drunk and then pregnant and then stone cold drunk every day while pregnant be allowed to have one?  What is life about to someone like that.  But no, if someone like that gets up and goes to work every day, and they are valued, and they don't bother anyone else or seek to bother anyone else in life, if they have made their own way fairly, I think you can't restrict them.  Why?  Because you could have bandits like in a Mexican western ride up to their house and take everything from them, and you know dam well that is wrong!


Off topic.  So Republicans are not for abortion.  But look at it.  Let's say you had a guy who had three wives.  And perhaps he has 5 children and more grandchildren from them.  And this guy wants to go into politics.  And every one of those children from those 3 wives and every one of those grandchildren get up there at that podium and speak the praises of him.  He has created his own political machine!  And something about it isn't right.  As if, perhaps if you want supporters they should be more legitimate than family?  To fire everyone except family?  I don't like it.

I mean what if you had a reality television show where they just came out and said, "The reason I am firing you is because a member of my family has just learned everything that you know about the job and we don't need you anymore.  The reason I am firing you is because you aren't part of my family."  And what is the gestalt connotation of the word family in the instance of business?  It was euphemism for organized crime wasn't it!

So a lot of the things I am seeing by that Republican Party, the bamboozling and instances of it to me have a nuance element of organized crime in it.  So there were questions about who was freed in a prisoner exchange with Russia?  Whereas I am still asking why a Russian American criminal was pardoned?


So what is the ugly thing that could happen?  You could have DT sentenced to jail and JDV elevated to Pres candidate.  And the on the fence Republican voters vote for him because his known fleas aren't known?  And then DT gets out of jail just in time...or is then pardoned by JDV and becomes VP and then DT says that he is really Pres and JDV isn't..

And what about fighting for a foreign religious state?  Highly unconstitutional in my belief.  But someone once told me that the Catholic religion and that religion were a lot in common or same.  And I do see those similarities very well.  So what does it mean?  It means a lot!  It means a lot!

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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