The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Tarnishing the Great Kennedy Surname forever 08 25 2024

 Came over on a famine ship like my ancestors did.

Why do they want to tarnish it once and for all forever?  Because JFK was a great man!

Because every time a Republican tries to quote him and that greatness it sounds so disingenuous it is laughable.  We saw George Bush's VP candidate try it and get strongly put in his place.

When Trump quotes Kennedy his MAGA audience seems silent.  Like he doesn't understand them.

They were supposed to release those Kennedy Assassination files a long long time ago.  But didn't.  Why not?  Because you had at least three very powerful links in that assassination.  Perhaps four or five or six.

And if they released those files today can we trust what they are releasing is truly the original or some ai generated propaganda.  (OOh, off topic, if a novel uses any AI generation in its creation then perhaps it should require a label on the side of it!!!)

They want to tarnish that Kennedy name because JFK spoke out about so many things that were wrong in this country.  Things the Republican Party seem to be full blown proponents of.


How many people that sucked up to Trump got thrown under the bus by him?  I would never want to work for him or his 2025 agenda just because of that.  So somehow RK Junior sells his votes to Trump for a position?  What is likely to happen?  Trump wins and then RK Junior is denied that position.  Not only that he takes the legal brunt for what he did!  Can you read it?  And the great Kennedy name is tarnished.  Then 2025 comes along and burns everything JFK ever said!  Seriously I do believe they are that bad.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

What else if funny is how JD Vance said bad things about Trump and Trump hired him.  Now Vance is saying all the propaganda for Trump!  It is all coming out of Vance's mouth not Trumps.  The other day he spoke and mentioned Kamala Harris name so many times you would think he was a retard freak with a psychotic fixation on her.

Trump started that with Nancy Pelosi too and look what happened to her husband.  Now he is having Vance do it.

Call somebody crazy who isn't and you get people who are really crazy lining up to prove themselves better; that time in a violent way?

Just ask yourself what JFK would have to say about Trump?  If you don't know the answer to that you ought to be ashamed to be in this country.

RK Junior: It makes him seem smarter than he is that his voice is delayed because of the neck injury?


If it was a miracle that Trump turned his head at that very time and the bullet only grazed his ear it is because God wants to keep him alive for just a little longer to use him as a negative example?

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