The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Open Carry Nationwide? 08 28 2024

 I am no more offended by open carry than I am of that fat woman walking into Target last night wearing a Black Belt Judogi (?) uniform last night.

 The woman wearing the Judogi does not seem to fit the idea of a Marshall from the old west wearing a star badge and carrying a six gun to keep the peace.

I think that more than open carry represents a deadly threat from violence.

Why? Because with that black belt there is a lot of argument that can be made over who did what and who started what.  And then you have someone either paralyzed or dead?

And what about a black belt?  Do they like to cause trouble and then paralyze people for life or kill them?  And have many of them had  military or perhaps law enforcement training to do so?

To escalate a situation too!

You are arguing your point with them and all of a sudden the black belt turns violent or uses a well practiced manuver to mame or kill?  Probably a kick in the groin over nothing, a punch to the throat, perhaps two krav maga stooge fingers to your eyes??  There is no better justification for open carry nationwide than that.

And does organized crime like to hire big balookas or black belts?  Without a doubt.

If I were President there would be certain families who I deemed have been victimized by organized crime that would receive firearms, that could only be used by them with fingerprint id tech or something like that.  And defund the Police, the CIA the FBI, etc?  You better believe it.  And rebuild it with good, honest, non satanic minded people: like those who formed our nation and wrote that sacred Constitution.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

And so a lot of this that I write is almost getting a little too edgy.  I may refrain from this at some time, of my own accord.

I want to make a point about how to protect your family members from Lg----- people?  But that would be too edgy.  And isn't it sad that that Constitutional Right to say something about that has effectively been legally taken away?

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