The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Immigrants 08 31 2024

Do these link together.

 1. Propagandizing that immigrants are bad.

 2. Saying that you don't want to allow them in and then allow them in.

3.  With the soul intent and purpose that once they got here they are beholding and obedient to you; even if it means committing crimes for you?  I mean scare them to the point whereby if they see something funny going on that you are doing they know not to say anything?

Give them the fear that they do not belong here so that you can manipulate them? 

And who benefits?

People or groups that own large amounts of real estate that needs to be managed, with low skill level labor?  Owners of golf courses, multiple homes, most vacant facade office buildings?

And the middle class does get squeezed out by this.  Who squeezes the middle class out if not the wealthiest class?  That person of the middle class who can listen and learn for themselves is anathema to the wealth class.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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