The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, August 23, 2024

Comprehension and Book Banning 08 23 2024

 I think that the problem is more lack of comprehension than anything else.

I would assert that most people young or old are capable of understanding what they read and thinking about it in real terms.

However we do know that marketing departments of businesses are using highly effective psychological techniques to get people to buy those products.

Are some of those psych techniques also working their way into books and novels?

I don't know if everyone is capable of putting a book down and saying I am not going to finish reading this because I am not going to let this influence or attempt to influence me anymore?

And perhaps there is a new strain of people out there that don't have the level of human comprehension to address this issue?  Perhaps they come from broken families.  Perhaps they were abused.  And they don't have that parents mind to help them along in life.

I really don't know the books they want to ban.

But you listen to Trump speak and you hear him contradict himself about every time that he does speak; and yet you don't seek to ban him from speaking?  Perhaps he has been censored.  But nothing likely changed his behavior all his life.  Which means what?

Bottom line, you can't have someone convicted of 34 felonies and contradicting himself leading the charge to ban books?

Let me attempt to make a simple analogy; perhaps not even accurate or relevant.  You don't hire a mob boss who just got out of prison to be your Catholic School Priest?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

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