The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Selling or giving drugs to a member of another Race? 08 06 2024

 Oooh!  Oooh!  This one is like a titanium wedge!

Should it be a more serious crime to sell or give drugs to a member of another race?

In the Nuremburg(?) trials of Nz war criminals a crime against humanity was to interfere with the reproduction of another race????

Do you see what the implications of this are?  You really can't fault it from either side without having culpability.

If you were to say why should the sentencing be any different it could be stated the individual selling or giving the drugs is attempting to interfere with the learning development of another race!  I would also support this notion in that only members of a certain ethnicity are allowed to climb the ranks of organized crime?  So organized crime has been racist from day one in this country!  Who knew.  Made my blood boil all allow.  You watched those movies aggrandizing organized crime and were the happiness folk around while it made my blood boil.  The connection here is that it was organized crime who initially establishes the selling of the drugs.  Do I have to write out the whole logic tree in order for you to be able to understand that?

I could articulate this one more, however it stands to reason as it is.

You would say I can't prove it is racist.  And I would say you can't prove that it isn't a crime against another race.

So you have a criminal minded race indoctrinating a non criminal minded race in every case of it?  Given the origin and organizational structure there is an element of truth to that.

I consider myself to be Irish white.  I find that to be different than "fee fi fo fum I smell the blood of an Irishman" English White.  I find that to be different than Mia Familia Romulus and Remus white.  I find it to be different than the other white races who have purposefully differentiated themselves to the point whereby you can't say they are a separate race because it hits a pseudo nerve?  They declare from the highest mountain it but you can't say it?  That is exactly the kind of world Dxxxxxx Txxxx wants?  To be a bozo and then cry foul when anyone says you are?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps. The person pushing the drugs on you knows that you are somehow better than them and that is why they are doing it?  I assert that is true.  Perhaps in the weakest case of the argument you are better because you are innocent of their badness and why they are that way?

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