The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, August 8, 2011

Can your Dentist Remotely Ruin your Day 08 08 2011

Can your Dentist Remotely Ruin your Day?  08 08 2011

I sat in my dentist office and he offered to do a compatibility check for composite fillings he was giving me.  A different, so-called expert, conducted the test.  The equipment he used to conduct the test had its origins from Germany. 
Here is what he did.  He connected electrodes to my body and tried a multitude of frequencies in order to see which ones resonated with me.  Resonated is another word for caused pain in my dental nerves.
One morning I woke up because I was experiencing the same pain as I did at the dentist office when he found that frequency.  In conjunction with the pain I also heard a barely perceptible noise.  I got to thinking what would prevent someone of such evil from aiming a frequency generating beam at me in my house and using it to generate the same frequency that caused this pain?  This is something that I could never prove until I bought a multispectrum test meter.  Sure enough when the pain occurred the scale on the meter was going haywire.
“Is this part of the Catholic Church extension to the Jewish Religion as mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls that does such things as this?”  I have to ask myself, but I already know of the horror.
And what about those rubber strips they stick in your root canals?  Is it possible that they know the exact frequency of those?  Could those rubber strips incorporate just enough trace elements to make them sensitive to radio wave stimulation from a distance?  Or worse could one of them be something it is not supposed to be entirely?  And what of the neck surgery I had?  Could there be an implant no bigger than a whisker in there that could be activated by RFID technology?  Does this explain why sometimes that same spot is inflamed and sometimes it is not?
If you think that this all sound paranoid, I know it does too, and I am not afraid to say it.  Why am I not afraid to say it?  Because I feel it is the right thing to do!
I already know who Satan is.  And I also know what motivates Satan.  Satan is defined as being souless in the Bible.  That means that he and she have to live off the souls of others.  There is just no other way for the cards to stack up for them.  It is a reality told to us from the Bible.  And we do not chose to believe one section of the Bible without believing in the whole truth.  What I am getting at is- knowing the reality of Satan from the bible that I have just mentioned- does not what I have just written seem to RESONATE with you too?  This is how psychological profiles are formed, you know this person is likely to be this and this and therefore likely to do this and this because of it.
It gets even better!  Do they have the remote technology to resonate and loosen the glue that holds your replaced hip and knee joints together?  You better believe they do!
I wasn’t born in the United States of America to be the sheep or lamb whose soul satan would sacrifice to enrich themselves with and neither were you!
You want to know what Satan looks like without your soul to feed on?  He looks like that dumb kid who was held back for three years in grade school!  Was it George Bush that was held back?
I am telling you to knock it off!
Health care? Why do they want to be Doctor’s anyway?   I am not paying and no one should have to!  We’ve had enough of your soul extortion and denial! 

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally Published on 08 08 2011 at:

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