The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, August 8, 2011

Iran to be the New World Model of Prosperity 08 08 2011

Iran to be the New World Model of Prosperity 08 08 2011
  The other day I watched Oprah, her television program was about a mother who murdered the molester of her son.  The story went on to tell that after the mother murdered the molester she went to jail and therefore her family was split up.  The son then did not have a proper family to nurture him, ended up in trouble, and is now serving per my memory 28 years in prison for murder.  Everyone in the family believed he got into trouble because his mother went to prison.  What I believe to be true but that you did not hear on Oprah is that those who are molested are subject to demonic possession by those who molested them.  They may not even be aware they are being possessed when the commit these acts.  Here is why I believe this to be true.  I think that when they are molested that their souls are fragmented and shared by those who molest them.  The Bible would call the soul thief’s Satan and it did.  What a great way to eliminate the victim- make them vulnerable to demonic possession and demonically possess them to commit a crime whereby they are put away or murdered themselves.
But the point I am trying to make here is this; in IRAN, they would have executed the child molester right away and that would have broken the chain of crime.  That family might have lived happily ever after together.  Why do we not execute child molesters in the United States?  Is it because they are the fuel for a hidden race that often hides under the guise of various religions and is a driver for wealth creation-  a satanic race that does not earn its money.
I already know all of this is true, so how do we get that race to peacefully reform.  And why can we not execute the child molesters right away?  What you will hear from religion regarding this is the excuse, “We are all just people.”  I would consider this to be a crime against humanity and that is something that does not meet the standard of human beings because it is so sick.  I might even go as far to say that genuine human beings do not commit this type of behavior.
Any laws written regarding this would need to have non-arbitrary remedies for gray areas- in other words wealth creation cannot slip past execution for committed this crime.
I think once we address this issue our country will be in much better shape.  How can we tell how great a problem it is?  Just start to list all the organizations that are involved in these cases and the resources they consume.  Those resources are expenses we (United States Tax citizens who pay taxes in every form) pay for the wealth creation of a few and they are in addition to what “wealth creation” takes from our economy for themselves.
Is that a good father or human being that molests his children?  Why not execute him before he has a chance to molest his second through 9th child?
Final point; that mother who murdered the molester would not have gone to jail in Iran because she would not have to have murdered the molester- Iran would have executed him for her.  As such, the son would not likely have committed the crimes he did because he would know that there is true justice in this world.
If I were President, you would not see a list of sexual offenders of priests who were accused of being molesters- God would sort them out while the rest of us uphold the values this country was founded on.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally Published on 08 08 2011 at:

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