The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, August 14, 2011

It was Televised Before a live National Audience 08 14 2011

It was Televised Before a live National Audience  08 14 2011
It was televised before a live National Audience. The year was circa greater than today.  The next President of the United States sat across from Leon Panetta.  The room was closed and locked from the outside.
“Leon. You tortured in the name of the United States.  Who gave you the authority to do so?”  the President asked.
“I believed it was the right thing to do.”
“Because I thought it would save American lives.”
“You thought it would build a strong image of America in the face of terrorism?”
“You thought that would serve as a long lasting image of power and strength?”
“Wait a minute.  American lives were killed in 911.  They attacked us.”
“Why do you think they did that?”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know and you didn’t seek to understand why?”
“Do you know that George Bush invaded the oil rich nation of Iraq on the premise that Sadam was a torturer?  And that Saddam invaded Kuwait after the ambassador in our foreign embassy in Iraq told him that the United States would not intervene with him doing so.”
“Do you believe the United States committed the same crime of torture that Sadam Hussein did?”
“Why not?”
“Because we were protecting American lives.”
“Did you enjoy torturing?”
“I did not personally torture anyone.”
“So you just gave the orders or were complacent with it?”
“Do you know that in the United States one is guilty of murder if he pays someone to do it but does not do it himself?”
“Do you feel that torture tarnishes the image of the United States as a world leader?”
“No.  I felt it was protecting us.”
“And you think this a strong show of force that gains the respect of foreign nations.”
“Leon.  What do you believe the Catholic faith to mean?”
“I don’t have to answer that.”
“Leon the gun on the table between us has only one bullet in it.  That bullet is not meant for me.  I am not going to reach for that gun.  All of the world is watching us now, this is being televised.  You are aware of that?”
“Leon.  Do you think it sets a good example for our children to torture?”
“But you did torture.”
“I said I didn’t do it personally.”
“But you were responsible for those who did and you told them to?”
“And you do not believe that torture sets a good image for our children, and the Future of the United States.”
“I didn’t say it did not set a good image for the future of the United States.”
“You do not believe the children of the United States represent the future of the United States?”
“Yes they do.”
“Leon, what was the most important thing you learned as a child?”
Leon quickly picked up the gun, placed it to his temple and pulled the trigger, and killed himself, in front of the world.  The President of the United States left the room and was told that he had visitors waiting that he needed to speak with in rooms 2 through~
“Who is in room number two?”
“His name is Barrack.”

Stay tuned.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy
Did you like my story, your tax dollars paid for it!- they put the pain in my head that guided and compelled me to write it.

Originally Published on 08 14 2011 at:


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