The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Centurion’s Rape of Jewish Women 11 04 2010

Centurion’s Rape of Jewish Women 11 04 2010
Like Monica Lewinski that who sex with President Clinton was Jewish, the teenager the police officer had sex with was also.  A better term would be rape.  “What am I going on here?”
Do the police officers take advantage of the young Jewish woman?  If so, why?  Is it part of stealing a soul?  The Roman Centurian’s raped and stole a whole community of Sabine women?  Is this what is going on here?  What am I talking about?  I am talking about a true story I was told while in high school, I live in Whitefish Bay Wisconsin, about a police officer in the community who was having sex with his baby sitter, a young Jewish high school girl.  Who do you tell when this is going on?  The young girl enjoyed it and did not want anyone to know as she was proud of her “affair.” Most people would be scared to tell the police.  How could you trust them (police) when they did this?  What standard are they obeying? 
Again does it go back to the ancient kingdom of Judea? Fynn our chief of police also had an affair with a dark haired Italian Jewish looking type of woman.
I once heard a female Italian Comedian say that there is no difference between an Italian and a Jew.  I think her name was Panchetti, and she was on the comedy channel.  She also said how her type loved to be sodomized by good looking men.  She said there was nothing better.
Then I remembered how the police were said to have brought President Clinton young women to have sex with.  I can see that there wherever I go there are tons of young women that look at me while licking their chops.  And then what happens I get hoosegowed by them greatly.  Are we under their evil crucifying Judea rule already?  If you don’t worship them you loose your soul to them and are labeled schizophrenic? Do you remember the nuance in the Bible as to why Jesus Christ was Crucified.  Pontius asked his wife, “What should I do with him.”
The answer, “He gave me a terrible dream.”
It is no great coincidence that Adams first wife was named Lillith.  Do you want to know what Lillith means in Hebrew?  Screech Owl!  And that is indeed what those who hear voices in their head are often subjected to.  The Bible got that name right.
The United States is supposed to be the land of the Free.  IT IS NOT!
Part II
AT&T is Evil
The father of a bully I knew in grade school worked at AT&T.
My grandmother in Iowa would never use the phone (AT&T) because she knew that others were able to listen on the line.
The President of AT&T circa 1980 was one – of dependent mind.  He was slow speaking and paused many times while speaking like he was dependent upon the mind of someone else  and therefore subject to influence or alternatively demonic possession.
If there was one United States Company that could figure out a way to harness the power of communications systems to drive people crazy and steal their souls for profit it would then be AT&T.  Alexander Graham Bell would destroy it if he were alive today.  He would be sickened by the ugly advance his technology made.  It is used to drive people crazy.
I had a lot of trouble with AT&T and the internet.  And the customer service representative seemed to enjoy it that I had trouble with it.  This race likes to break into the conscious stream of thought of your beautiful mind and influence you.  And that is indeed how they do it through distraction.
The system of torture does also use portable phone type devices that are capable of incapacitating a person.
The system also works of the electrical network in your house and the grounded metal in side of it.
With adoption there is no guilt, as there is with pregnancy with a dolt centurion father and the daughter then being whisked away, said to live with her aunt for awhile.  When adoption is allowed, centurions (police officers) are free to irresponsibly rape.
What if a young girl ran away from home because this technology (nonlethal energy type weapons with a similar basis to electronic pest control) was aimed at her and unknowingly she was disturbed and influenced to get away.  What if then she rented an apartment and they broke her down with this technology.  What if she was my daughter, what if she was yours?  They could then make her dependent on them quite easily to get her to do whatever they wanted her to do.  The first thing they ask you when you go to a new city and get a job and apartment at both places is, could you give us the names of people who we could contact if you are ill.  Do they use this against you if you have no friends or family?  Do then turn the soul gun on your head, an invisible directed energy weapon.  Yes they do.  What happens next?  You are a victim of soul theft and put on psychiatric medication. If you buy a magnetometer or field meter detector the settings they use to drive people crazy are an oscillating magnetic particle wave field in the 1.5 Milligauss range.  They can bump this all the way up to much higher than 5 milligaus, at this level the magnetic field wipes clean any memory you have and makes it impossible to concentrate.  It is not your fault that you cannot concentrate; you are being hit with a directed energy weapon.  At this level it can kill you.
If a single woman lived in the village and wanted a child she could be sired by a police officer.  The only problem was the child, would also turn out to be a big dumb dolt.  How to you remedy this.  How does an evil woman remedy this when she is not favored in any way by the process of natural selection?  She steals the soul of one of the smarter guys in the village.  He is then medicated so neither he nor “his soul imprinted children” of the dolt Centurion knew what was going on. 
How does the evil woman afford to then raise the child?  They steal all of the intellectual property of the one whose soul they have stolen.
This is why the woman are evil, they want a child and they have evil sex with a big dumb dolt.  The women then hate the same the same man in the village by capturing him and driving him out of his mind.
With a police officer, this is rape.  It should be a crime punishable by death in our country.
Woman telepathically imprint with the soul of a man would be gay and knowing of this horror they might even prefer to be so.  Boys imprinted with the soul of a woman would also be gay.  These children are essentially born soulless because that is what the parents were to begin with also.
Some women and men are soulless all their lives, their heads like giant radio receivers.  Waiting, listening to receive……love.  Listening to a soul being tortured just like when they were born when they obtained a listening soul.  They then torture in life because oddly to them this souls listening is a beautiful thing, because it takes them back to the time of their birth in feelings and memory.  This is when they first received their does of this odd form of life’s energy.
Living off the soul energy drained and grated away from others keeps them young, happy and beautiful.  They then await arrival of an evil Centurion to sire them.  Is this behavior solidified and ingrained in them from the times of ancient Rome when the Jews were slaves of the Romans.  What would be the means of a slave girl to become free?  Would she use any and all feminine whiles in order to achieve this.  How do members of this duo race use their whiles in the form of wiccanry today?  They create an urgent need in men and think of them while they are having sex with some dolt.  The man who is then victimized is done so by his lust for the sloth as she has the ability to make a psychic connection to him and control and influence him.  The bible states that those who have sex with the same harlot are of one body.  The victim in this case becomes split from his own soul or humanity by the evil of this occult.
Is this behavior something that has been genetically wired into them?  He thought as he listened to a woman with the intellect of a baboon chant him near to death.  She was indeed soulless and trying to reach out from her dark world of horror.
The more intelligent and beautiful women and men are more the targets of this, as any dolt with a healthy sperm count can inseminate a woman and get her pregnant.  This is what the Immaculate Conception is all about.
What happens when a Sabine type woman is gang raped by sodomizing Centurion jock types and left infertile?  They often then serve to be the fragmenting soul for children.  This is why the Catholic Church is pro life, so these women can adopt and have a child.  It has its origins from the filthy in the ancient kingdom of Judea.
There is a very simple fact with regard to demonic possession by the souless and it is this, if they can distract you enough while you are thinking or trying to think for yourself- they have stolen your soul and you are also subject to demonic possession by them.  Could you ever prove that the guts of a microwave oven, discarded on the curb, were modified and the mircrowave beam was aimed at your house?  I doubt you could.  But how would you know?  Very simple, you were not healthy and there was no reason that you shouldn’t be.  If you exercise and eat healthy you should become healthy right?  Yes.  You are not going to become healthy with the Satanic race aiming these at you from a distance.  But follow the healthy regimen anyway- because they hate it.
Ability stolen by dolt Centurians.  What woman wouldn’t be crazy from a horror such as this?
Do they pick out young daughters to victimize when they are away at school in this manner?  Yes they do!
Is this where police got their slang nickname pigs from, “Because their chanting sounds like the wretched squealing of swine or pigs in a not too distant barn yard over time?”
(Not written the best, but I did not feel like rewriting it but thought it should be published anyway.)
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally Published on 08 11 2011

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