The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How Americans Farm Subsidy Lead to the Taco Invasion 08 11 2011

How Americans Farm Subsidy Lead to the Taco Invasion 08 11 2011
How did America’s farm subsidies lead to the Taco Invasion?  This one is very simple- we export more corn than any other country in the world.   Some we even give away and that helps pay our National Debt down and balance our budget too.
What has this lead to?  More Mexicans.  Why?  What do Mexicans eat?  Taco and Burrito shells made from CORN!
What has all this farming done to our country?  Yesterday I took my boat fishing on the Wisconsin River just north of the Dells; the water was the consistency of a saturated dirty stadium toilet.  We used to laugh when we said this about Mexico, “Don’t drink the water!”  I got news for you fat head Americans, we can’t drink it in America anymore either.  The e-coli in it would kill you in a day.  But that doesn’t stop us from farming more corn.  And it doesn’t stop us from letting Mexicans across the border.  Are they here for the corn?  No DoubtJ
What did Americans farm subsidy policy do for the American farmer?  There aren’t any more of these.  The small farmer went out of business.  I do think that someday there will have to be a resurgence of the small farmer because there will likely be a drive for organic produce and this is something that takes time and care to grow, not a field full of Alchemist chemicals that miraculously make our water unsafe to drink.  Better living through Al- Chemistry?  You have got to be kidding me.  The phrase should read, “LESS LIVING THROUGH CHEMISTRY.”

The small farmer is under a head stone in the middle of his field and the name on the head stone is that of a big commodity trading firm.  And good Ole Johnny Appleseed put him there.  If you don’t know what a commodity trading firm is it is where the pagan children who stole their first soul at the time of their barmitsva (My Bill Gates Ebonized spell checker won’t let me give you the correct spelling of that one- but I think it is pronounced Varmitsbit) collect their pay checks- I say collect and not earn, as I am a very sensitive user of the English Language.  I worked with them, they were God Awful and took great pride in being so. 
Living on the banks of great natural resources turned into “Sh17” Rivers, Lakes and Oceans- they might not have a problem with that, but I do, I have a big problem with that.
Who put the small farmer out of business?  It was none other than your Lutheran Wiccan who raised a pack of He Haw wiccan daughters on the good gravy soul stealing commodity money, he was pig greased with.  If you think that I am saying the American farmer of today did not earn his money relative to the rest of us, you damn right I am.  He was paid off.
What does it mean to be pro- business today?  It means you put forth government policies that lower the standard of living for everyone.
The American Farmer was paid with souls of United States Citizens and all of our clean water.  Mexico- “Don’t drink the water?”  Who the “F07K” are we kidding- the Wisconsin and Milwaukee River’s are the biggest stirred toilet I have ever seen.  We might as well all be shrink ray miniaturized placed in tea cups and set afloat in Mexican Out Houses.
I thought I might see a bald eagle on my trip yesterday, all I saw was Red Headed (or hatted) vultures.  Red Hat that is euphemism for a Wiccan group who like to make men hemorrhage from their eyes and noses.
The beautiful thing about what I write about everyone is that they are right there with me when I write it about them.
And the nation goes bust and nobody dare say a word about it, for fear we offend someone with the God’s Honest Truth.  Come and get me, I haven’t been free for twenty years anyway.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally Published on 08 11 2011 at:

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