The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Reality and Our Environment 08 23 2011

Reality and Our Environment 08 23 2011
     The thing that Satan is best at- is projecting its miserable existence unto the world.  You think of reality as a person and therefore it is something you can defeat.  Reality is not a person; as such it is not something that you can defeat in order to solve problems.  People live and survive in the physical world of our reality, and it is not something that cannot be maintained for the continuation of our existence by those who do not recognize it as a reality.  To every person reality is something true about themselves they strive to deny.  How do we objectify reality to those who deny it?  What do we do when people strive to make a living by denying the rest of us reality?-  We deny them the ability to project their false reality!  The first step to doing this is to deny them their ability to influence you as an individual. 
You object to me saying reality is not a person?  It is true to say that people are part of reality but reality is more than just one person.  Reality can better be defined to be everything that your eye could ever see but fails to do so because you believe reality is just one person, and therefore something that you can defeat.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 08 23 2011 at: 

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