The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, August 19, 2011

A Cryptic Metaphor From the Bible 08 19 2011

A "Cryptic" Metaphor From the Bible.
1.       In the story of the loaves and the fishes we are told that Jesus fed hundred on very few fish.  We don’t really know how this was done.  But this is the nature of a God providing for more than just himself.  Or more importantly is it the nature of someone who is demonized provided for many who persecute him.
2.      In another story regarding fishing in the Bible, we are told that the disciples did not catch anything all day until Jesus came by and told them where to fish.  They disagreed, but then their nets where loaded with fish. We are then told that Jesus said just leave those nets and come with me to tend my flock.

Can anyone put two and two together with regard to our modern society as it concerns these two passages of the Bible.  What do we have here?  We have two fishing scenes that have mysterious endings?  There is really no explanation or path to follow with regard to how they would be interpreted.  What is it then?  These are two stories that are part of the same  puzzle.  The Bible is telling us a message. And it is this= > the one that they crucified provided everything for them!  It is almost like this is a story that was broken in two because the congruit meaning of the story condemned them.  But, as viewed as one story does it not support what I have been telling you with regard to the modern theft of souls in our world?  So why was it split up?  Because they did not want you to know the true nature of Satan!  He would take all from you and then persecute you to death! Something that was legitimized after WWII through psychiatry?  WW and II that is putting two and two together two isn’t it?
Enough of this, admit what you are and I would love you and fight for you!
There are no more commercial fishing boats in Lake Michigan based in Milwaukee, because the modern world has made in inhabitable for them to live and reproduce!  Get the message?  Time is running out!
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally Published on 08 19 2011 at:

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