The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Question’s regarding Adolf Hitler 08 25 2011

Question’s regarding Adolf Hitler 08 25 2011

“My Honor is Truth,” what was he saying? “You’re all liers?”  Why say that?
Was Adolf Hitler the victim of a Jewish fertility cult?  What was the source of his hatred and the fascination with racism.  He did not look like a blonde haired arian. Why try and create a master race?  Was this in response to something of race and creation that he thought to be a crime?  The first thing an ape does is kill all the other man’s ape children when he comes in control of an ape tribe.
Is that not what a Satanic race would do?  Satan being defined in the Bible as being souless would need a soul. So where would he get one.  They would have to fragment someone else’s mind.  Adolf Hitler was very smart.  Adolf Hitler had psychiatric treatment done on him and was said to be very happy to get out of there. Who were the main characters in the Bible?  Aren’t too many names in there are there are there to focus on.  If your mind was fragmented by those who were mentally challenged and you were forced to put up with them in there with you, might you become angry?
If fertility cults do not care who they have sex with like swingers do is this why some sons look neither like their fathers nor mothers when they were not adopted?
And if you are a Jew and reading this and saying, me and my family is not like that- you made my day!  Because I know all this is true and you can nail me to an old fashioned cross for it!
Some religions are formed just like Arab based terrorist cells, those on the lower rungs do not know what is going on at the top.  And those on the low end are innocent.
And for all this sounds like, I am not a racist just someone who wants freedom from persecution.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 08 25 2011 at:

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