The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Void of Eye Socket 08 27 2011

The Void of Eye Socket 08 27 2011
“There is only death and danger in the socket of my eye!”  that is the lyrics to a song.
So Jesus Christ was wrong and you shouldn’t pull out someone else’s eyes because they are likely to get cursed pissed at you!
And then what happens, that person who has had his/her eyes pulled out goes on poison medication because he/she has no eye and cannot see or think fro themselves anymore and what are they likely to do, curse you to destruction.  After all there only was one Jesus Christ and most of the rest of us are at least human so it is part of our nature to get pissed when someone tears out our eyes.  I mean really would you expect any different if you were to pull out someone’s eyes?  I mean would you expect someone to not get pissed if you pulled out there eye like Jesus said you could do to him.  Alright so maybe we should not take his statement literally.
But you third eye Hindu women must understand this and if there are other religions that I have not mentioned that need the fear of God put in them let me know.  I mean you can’t think of any other third eye religions can you?  Wait what is that on the dollar bill?  What is that suggesting, that we tear out someone’s eye in order to get more of those one eyed greens?  What if some of us thought that was not the way to be?  What if just a small percentage of us were raised by loving parents and taught to be self resourceful and independent?  You wouldn’t try and trade our eyes for those one eyed greens would you?

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy
Orignally published on 08 27 2011 at:
“Who is it that does recognize human nature and has to be taught it?”
Thomas Paul Murphy

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