The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Human Race has evolved very little in the last 2000 years.

The Human Race has evolved very little in the last 2000 years.

The Human Race has evolved very little in the last 2000 years.  How do I know this?  Because the ancient texts were very well written.  The Bible was very well written too.
This lead me to ask myself if our writing has changed very little in the past 2000 years in terms of advancement what else has not changed?
Then I asked myself, “Who would enjoy nailing a person to a cross and slowly watching them die, for no reason whatsoever.”  If the people in power and the community of the time enjoyed doing this and people have changed very little in two thousand years, what does that say about those who crucified others. 
I am going to give it to you straight up, “They are the worst serial killers and makers of serial killers and murderers the world will ever know.”
And they have not given up their passion for horror.  I then ask myself, “Where would we be without our horror movies to cathartically satisfy their horrific urges?”  Then I ask myself, “How many of us would be better off if we were not subjected to horror movies at all.”  In other words do horror movies serve to reinforce horrific thoughts and behaviors and even create new horrific ones? 
Do they teach the innocent of the horrors of this world?  Just the opposite is true.  They hide the horrors of this world.  They hide the shameful existence of those who would nail a person to a cross and slowly watch them die- because, “They were different.  They were what the Bible termed, Living Gods.”
Who are the living Gods today?  Everyone that was ever driven out of their own minds and labeled schizophrenic, to face a slow death by zombifying medicine or be driven to suicide by those who would drive nails through a person’s flesh of our modern era and enjoy slowly watching them die.
Like I stated our writings have not changed or improved very much, I would even make the point that less of our writing has any heart to it.  If our writings have not changed- do you think that the urge to crucify is gone?  Could you believe that the urge to crucify others has transformed into something of a different horror.
How many generations have there been since the time of Jesus Christ, and how can one generation change and grow to the next, if the parents know no other way to raise their children?
I then have to ask myself with regard to, “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal.”  Have some of us been found to be genetically different and that would support them to be reluctant to learn through frustration and grow?  In other words;
1.                          Do they feel they bare a cross? (If so why do they feel this way and what lead to it.)
2.                           - Do they in reality bare a cross? (If so can we prove or disprove this once and for all in our modern age, of genes and DNA?  Are they mongoloids who cannot control impulses towards aggression?  And if we could would the results be considered shameful and not made public.  Some of us might like to know, just like we like to know who has that pit bull dog on the block.)
3.                           Did they give themselves a cross? (Did they engage in occult practices of torturing the soul from others in the manner of wealth creation?  If so they have nothing to ever complain about, and nothing to ever ask for pity about.  And they often do ask for pity, the reality is there words are laced with it at the slightest confrontation.  In other words did they piss someone off so great by physically hurting them that they were then subjected to hearing that soul speak to them in anger themselves?  I believe that a race of people that engaged in this victimizing form of wealth creation- well that they might be of hollow soul and therefore need to harm others in order to hear that soul and feel good about themselves.   
4.                          Do they like to give others a cross because they feel pity for themselves as if they bare a cross? (To me this sounds like the neglected and/or spoiled child that grew up and did not change, as such they feel self pity because they are “Subjected to someone else’s thoughts and thinking?”
I think the reality of this needs to be widely recognized by our government and society before the world ever changes to be a more healthy place to live.  The truth is very important in every thing we do.  Why because truths form solid premises and foundations.   Foundations built on lies erode the fabric of societies and humanity.  What good can there be in the world if we are taught not to believe in truth.

May you live in peace and be FREE from persecution.
That’s all for today.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally Published on 08 13 2011 at:

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