The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Message to Ahmadinejad 08 25 2011

A Message to Ahmadinejad 08 25 2011
The Arab world is not alone in their hatred of the United States of America.  Some of us who live here do not believe it stands for freedom anymore. Some of us believe its religion is wealth creation and resultant persecutions.
I will be vacationing in Iran within the next two years.  I am only saying that I am vacationing because if I were to say that I was applying for citizenship I would be denied travel to Iran.  Please make accommodations for me in Iran so that I can apply for citizenship once I am there on vacation.
If you think you are going to torture me while I am there you better get a boxing ring ready and we will settle it that way.  If I win I will then become the new President of Iran.  As the new President of Iran I will deny the United States any oil.  The United States has had plenty of time, money and resources to develop alternative energy but has failed to do so.  Instead it has sought to embolden a world leadership policy that has made the earth a viral cesspool.  It is a great disgrace.
I can’t fucking stand it here and I have hated it here for the last 20 years, when our friendly Bible people stole my soul.  The United States is not the Land of the Free and I am not free even though I am not in jail and nor have I committed any crimes.
As President of Iran I will also play a new television character called the God Walla.  As the character the God Walla I will take utilizable junk and make beautiful things from it.  I will unveil them from under a white cloth and say Walla.  This ability that I have to create is why they stole my soul in the United States.  I am determined that they will no longer profit from my soul theft.  And they profit handsomely from it today.  As a citizen of the Iran I will hold the United States hostage to my demands of the recognition of soul theft.  That is all I really have to do and the world will turn good after that.  I agree with you that homosexuals should be executed because I know that misgendered souls are created when souls are broken and fragmented in the name of wealth creation.  If all the homosexuals were executed it would serve as an example that we are no longer to steal the souls of people in the horrific holocaust name of wealth creation.
Oh and they will not publish my books in the land of free speech and make my blogs so that they are not able to be found on Google.  Why because my books and blogs would expose America like Solomon Rushdie’s book did the Arab World, and I didn’t read it.
And if I find that there is soul theft indoctrinated in Iran today you and I will be getting in the boxing ring together and you won’t be getting out.  It appears that you were close with Ronald Reagan during Iran contra which tells me you are on the side you say you are not, so I want to come over there and fight you in the ring if it is true.  The next time I see you on television I want you to address this issue.
I do not hide under a white pointy hat and I don’t hate Jew’s.  So therefore when you read this stuff and you know you it is true and you are guilty of it the impetus is on you to come forward and admit such guilt before others read these truths and form different opinions.
You can put me in jail or nail me to a cross today for what I write, I know that it is true and the guilty parties know it is true too.  Thank you for labeling one percent of us freaks so we can’t get dates.  I hope all the money you got from us was worth it.  I hope all the fame you got from it was worth it.  Thank you.
And nobody in America knows what you guys are saying when you make those videos.  But give me the microphone over there in the dessert and will lecture America good.  And I look all American so it would be a good thing.  It would scare the United States of America straight.
And if I become President of the United States of America the first thing I would do would be to Napalm every drug field in the world, including Pakistan.  All that Opium does is make wirely little unhappy men who hate their neighbors.
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally Published on 08 25 2011 at:

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