The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, August 8, 2022

Blitz Tackling the Christian Religion 08 08 2022

Blitz Tackling the Christian Religion 08 08 2022

  1. “There is only one God.” It really means that there is only one man. It is something they tell their mentally retarded children so that they don't become mortally depressed when they compare themselves to a normal intelligent child.

  1. “God so loved his people that he gave them his only son.”

    This is complete baloney. The pharisees needed an alibi to killing Christ. They tried to kill him many times. What that statement is the equivalent of is, it doesn't matter what you do to other people in your life. They are here for you to sacrifice.

  2. “Are you the son of man?” Can you imagine walking through a city in Biblical times and a drunk comes up and asks you that? You would be dumbfounded right? “You mean you too are not a son of man?” What the h3ll is wrong with you? Are we not all sons of men? What are you the son of if not a son of man? What is wrong with you?” After which whatever that is crucifies you.

  3. “Where did he get all these things?” So indeed Jesus Christ could cast demons out of people and at the same time the demons left the person so did the persons sickness! And do you know what the Bible also tells us? That he knew the demons!!!! And then he comes back to his home town and they all say, “Where did he get all these things?” From first demonically possessing people and making them sick? And then by healing them by driving the people who you tasked with demonically possessing them out of them? And receiving money from it? The bible doesn't phrase the “things” he brought back home as material things but rather knowledge. But I think the Bible might be covering it up.

  4. “We are all created in Gods image.” No that isn't true! You have to have a human soul in order to be created in Gods Image. The Church does not want to tell you where exactly they believe that human soul comes from. Because they have an element of deceit going on. The legitimate human soul comes from a normal mother and father giving birth to a child out of love that is not brain defective. Contrast that to someone who is born with fetal alcohol syndrome mental retardation or Downs syndrome, whereby the hippocampus of the brain attains substantial irreversible damage due to alcohols influence on the pregnancy. The hippocampus is responsible for memory gatewaying. Why you remember what you remember. And if you can accurately remember at all. The point being is if you can't remember you are going to be clueless as to what is wrong and what is right your whole entire life. In effect you have no human soul if you can't even figure something simple like right from wrong. So no, we are not all created in Gods image. Sorry. Case closed.

6 “We gave him all our pain and suffering.” They say that at all Catholic Masses. Pardon me, but I don't want to be part of something that advocates that. No real man believes that you give other people all your pain and suffering in life. It is not a belief system of man. Men believe in personal responsibility and accountability. Men do not stare at a cave wall and slip into a voyeur trance believing they are really someone other than their miserable self. That isn't a man that lives that way.

And this is just off the cuff stuff. If I had more distraction free time I could do a more comprehensive job at this.

But why is the faith in Jesus Christ a valid one? If you look at it as his conflict with the ruling class. But it isn't taught that way. They would consider it self incrimination or taboo to teach it that way.

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

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