The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

There is absolutely no way that person can be reformed 08 17 2022

When the "State" steps in and takes the child from a drug abusing mother away from them isn't the State really making the statement, "There is absolutely no way that person (mother in this case) can be reformed?" 

Hold that thought for a moment, the construct of, "There is absolutely no way that person can be reformed?"

So that determination has been made by the State in the above case.  So how come that determination isn't made with other problem type of persons in other problem types of situations?

For example to allow a convict to go free but not allow them to have a gun.  Doesn't the fact that you are not allowing them to have a gun really mean that the statement, "There is absolutely no way that person can be reformed is being made?"

Does a person like that offer a good mix to diversity?  No.  Is there any one of us that would like a person like that to be our neighbor?  A person whereby the statement, "That person cannot be reformed and is restricted from having a deadly weapon."

So there is a limbo there.  You wouldn't want someone like that as a neighbor because every time you walked out the door of your dwelling, they would give you the heebee geebees.

But where is that person going to live?  And where do the people who legislated the decision, they should be allowed to be free live?  They don't live in the same places do they.  One will be poor without any opportunity, the one you don't want to have a gun.  And therefore, really believe can never be reformed.  And the other likely lives in a neighborhood so expensive that the person released is never going to get anywhere near it!

When a father runs out and leaves a family, what statement is he making?  Isn't he making the statement that he can never be a father to that child or a husband to that woman?  What is the cause of that?  Do we not have a responsibility to restrict the cause of that?


But what about mental illness; schizophrenia?  A man who gets it tends to get it right after the right of passage to manhood, which today is learning all the skills needed to support a family.  Perhaps after high school, trade school or academic based college degree.  And when does a woman likely get it?  She gets it a little later in life.  After she has a baby or perhaps two.  

But take a real good look at those two timeframes!  Can you see how someone or perhaps a very low intellect would be extremely jealous of either the man or the woman at those times in their lives?  Can a person with extremely low intellect ever really be reformed, they have reached the age of adulthood and they are still that same way.  Which doesn't really mean they are mentally retarded.  For that would be too good a statement to make about them.  For the word retard means to delay.  In this case the learning phase of their life has already come and gone and they didn't keep up and hence they are not delayed.  In effect they will never be as good.  So they are not delayed.  That is far to optimistic.  The word retard is far too optimistic.  Hence there is an element of fraud in the use and application of it!

In effect they can never be reformed because they never reached the base level they are supposed to be at in the first place and never will.

Now what if you had some kind of tribe of green eyed monsters amoung us.  Perhaps the y came over from a boat from this nation or that nation. 

When an American woman has a baby they somehow collude to ruin that family?  That baby goes on the market just like cattle.  And lets say that family was ruined by alcohol.  What would you say, "Oh don't you dare restrict the access to alcohol."

When an American man graduates from college and gets a good paying job, somehow they collude and at witching hours in the night they prevent that man from sleeping so he can't keep that job, or any other required to raise a family.

Who is the green eyed monster attempting to protect and why?  Who is the green eyed monster making an economy of?

As always you likely can't understand any of this and you find it very disturbing.  And perhaps you even want to say it can be used to condemn me in some way.  That it should be used to diagnose me in some way.  Are you the type of person who would want to be a participant in the above?  Ask yourself that.  Presume that what I am asserting is true.  And ask yourself "Am I the type of person who would want to be a participant in that?"

So yes I was raised a Catholic, 8 years of Catholic Grade School.  And that is exactly why I am Pro Choice.  Lets see if you can figure out the meaning of this next statement.  "Are you the one who wants to take mother Mary's baby from her?"  What religion are you?  Guised voodoo?

And that right there is at the core of my belief system regarding Pro Choice. 

© 2022 Thomas Murphy 

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