The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Warning Graphic Content: And There She Was

And there she was.

What does a fly taste like?

So I had just finished my toast breakfast and had a ginger cookie afterwards.

My first cup of coffee was regular.  This was my second cup and it was decaf.

The ginger cookie is a lot crunchier than the toast.

I had taken my plate to the kitchen sink and resumed my spot in my living room chair to read internet news.

I took a sip of my coffee.

There must have been a cookie crumb or bread crumb on the rim of my coffee cup I thought.

But in a split second I then thought.  The texture of this is different than food.  It is more like a piece of sponge.

Some element of reason kicked in with me.  I better get that out of my mouth and see just what it is.

I looked at my finger in astonishment.  That is a G/D fly!

I had to take a picture because if I didn't no one would believe me.  I would likely even doubt my own memory if I had not taken a picture with my cell phone camera.

It was only in my mouth for a split second and out of disgust my memory of what is tasted like is somehow obscured by the micro shock of the event.

And seriously, there are likely two flies in my house every year at the most.

I want to say that the flavor was a quarter the smell of lawn grass, a quarter the taste of lemongrass and the other half a dry germy taste.  And highly nauseous.

Off topic.  Isn't a person who has tattoos all over their body in the act of becoming a fly?

And so I will go on with the story.

It had to have been on the rim of my coffee cup and I didn't see it?  Or it had to somehow be down the inside edge of the coffee cup, sipping the coffee from there and somehow entranced by it?

I mean have you ever heard of anyone catching a fly with their mouth?

And perhaps I could take on the persona of an Italian woman?  "Can I make coffee?  Oh, boy can I make coffee!"

So I had to ask myself, "What happens if I actually ate that fly?"  I mean if I hadn't noticed the odd texture?

Per an internet search some people say nothing.  However some people say that you could get salmonella poisoning from it!  I am with that latter group.

So what I did to counteract that notion is this.  I have some peppermint oil capsules in my house.  I cut one open and took a taste of it.  And flushed that peppermint oil around in my mouth with water and swallowed it.  Per my memory it has just the right kind of antimicrobial effect.

End of story.  Except for the photo!

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Link to fly eating research:

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