The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, August 8, 2022

I Would Outlaw Adoption 08 08 2022


What would I replace it with?  Something that is accountable to the biological mother.

1. Whereby the biological mother never completely cedes ownership of that child to the adoptive family.

2. Whereby if the biological mother is poor that adoptive family must pay her support to live.

3.  Whereby if that biological mother has a drug problem those who gave her the drugs get the death penalty.

4.  Whereby if that biological mother has a mental illness defined by her being tormented by voices she receives twice the support as in number 2 above. 

5.  Whereby the adopted child retains the surname of the biological father.

In other words there isn't going to be a haves and have nots issue to who is allowed to keep a child.

And perhaps we need to change the country whereby if a mother can't afford to keep her very own child because she has to work.  Well just came across a stumbling block here.  Because it looks like this is leading to orphanage or foster care environment which I do not believe in.

Wait a minute back on track.  Ban alcohol!  And that mothers problems go away.  Ban alcohol and you don't have those women loosing their inhibition to having sex with strangers and getting pregnant.

Also stipulation.  A mother must be married in order to keep a birth!

In other words if you don't have that valid marriage license you cannot keep that pregnancy.


So what inspired this writing?  I watched part of a 60 Minutes episode last night whereby it told of how 4000 solders are killed (was it every year) just in training?

It was things like, they would be told to go for a drive in a military vehicle full of recruits in the back of it.  And down the road there would be a large covered hole where the vehicle would fall into and they would all die because of percussion with the armored walls of the vehicle in the fall.  Or they would be out in an amphibious vehicle and it would sink and kill them all like in a sardine can.

We are not supposed to have an army in times of peace.  Can you see why?

I am just adding all this stuff up.  Like how cancerous the tar that forms in cigarettes is to the lungs.  And how the once richest man in the nation made his money by investing in cigarette companies.  How many people have retardation because of alcohol.

And what about politicians today?  Why I won't vote Republican?  It is really quite simple.  Because I believe in good people!

But back to illegitimacy?  Who would create the conditions whereby you could die in military training like that?  Only the illegitimate would do that.  Illegitimate?  Look like us but something is a little different with the way the brain is wired.  You can't have over-site of young people in the service and create those condition like that unless...  Unless you feed of the death of people in some way!!!!

There I said it.  Sure it is way out there.  Sure it could be used by someone to discredit and ridicule me.  Sure it could be used against me by some sort of odd prude.  I don't care!  I had to say it!  I would not be a man if I didn't say what I believed in.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

PS.  You outlaw adoption and it forces many good things to happen!

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