The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, April 19, 2018

A World of children young and old 04 19 2018

A World of children young and old  04 19 2018

Just one more diatribe.

So I went to park my car at a mall and on the radio playing in "Wagnerville" I heard a song mentioning suicide.  Was it there I also heard a song with the words son of a bitch in it or was that the grocery store music?  And there were a few more expletives.

What am I getting at?  Oh perhaps something about impressionable minds everywhere and the inability of those impressionable minds to put a good impression forth?  Something like that.

Then there was a little girl in the grocery store.  She reached for some bananas and her mother told her they would pick them up later.  Then she started banging the bananas on the shelf and saying, "I want bananas. I want bananas.  I want bananas."

Of course her mother used the I will just attempt to treat this little girl like a rational adult.  But the point is that whatever she was saying to her was ineffective.  Which means what?  That daughter doesn't respect her mother?  The mother doesn't love the daughter because she can't form a connection with her whereby the daughter doesn't want to make the mother sad?

I mean, how do people like that deal with life?  "I will grab a bottle of wine on my way out, doesn't matter if I am pregnant or not, doesn't matter if I am breastfeeding or not.  Doesn't matter if I have a child I should be reading a story to.  I am an adult and I need my nightly wine time.  Nothing is going to take that away from me!  Nothing!"

And the mother is just like the daughter.

Sure I am not married.  But good God who would want to get stuck with someone like that!  Someone once told me that if you marry the wrong person it is like a living hell.  I know what a living hell is like already.  And I know that marrying the wrong person could compound a living hell.

So answer the question.  "Why aren't you the way you are supposed to be?"

Because you are about creating a false impression?

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

And maybe my point was really meant to be this.  How come people are being hired to play music and the ones who are being hired are hired because playing music with expletives is popular?

Whoa!  Here is the knockout punch.  And the major anchor tenant in that shopping mall just went completely bankrupt.

"Junior, you can be that too!  You can do a much better job at it than Johnny Apple Pie could!"

So here is the question.  When reality meets money what happens?  The two can be divergent for a very long time can't they.

I will tell you what happens?  Someone shrewd gets hired to fix it and all havoc lets loose?

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