The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, April 13, 2018

Republican Economic Policies that Support National Weakness not Greatness 04 13 2018

Republican Economic Policies that Support National Weakness not Greatness 04 13 2018

Shouldn't families that have normal children that can learn in a traditional manner get a tax credit for doing so rather than the lions share going to what amounts to, "Adopt a mongoloid get a tax credit or a grant?"

I mean look at that!  Getting a grant to support a mentally defective child?  The size of that grant about 4 times the minimum wage?  That doesn't support national greatness that supports national weakness.

And you think it is funny don't you.

Why are we using national resources in support of that?  Why tip the balance of the scales in that direction?

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

"John and Mary, you did everything right!  You didn't use drugs or alcohol while conceiving.  And you don't use them today while you are raising your children.  And what beautiful children they are.  They are so happy going to school and learning.  They are respectful of everyone.  We are very sorry that we do not have the resources for you and your family because we have allocated them to those who are in much more need than you.  I know that you want to do your part in support of your nation.  I understand that there are some positions that will become available in the mining industry.  Specifically fossil fuels.  Such as coal.  You know not all of us have the athletic talent to have lucrative careers in Professional Football or Basketball.  That is just reality.  So we do what we can to pitch in."

You are sickening.

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