The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Al Capone 04 19 2018 updated

Bugsy Siegel 04 19 2018

So yesterday I heard George Bush tell a joke.  His mother (deceased) was asked, "Why does he look so funny."  To which she replied, "Because I drank and smoke while pregnant."

His brother that was Governor of Florida looked to have Down's Syndrome to me.  And he does have one sister or relative that is mentally retarded.  I researched this a while back.  One of the Koch brothers looks like he has Downs Syndrome to me too.

Is what George Bush said really a joke?  Is it funny?  No.


But take a look at Al Capone.  One of the most horrific criminals in our nations history.  The face is round.  The lips protrude.  The eyes are narrow and bulbous.  He was also very short.  I will assert that those are all the facial features of someone with Down's Syndrome.

When I was a boy going to Catholic School I couldn't for the life of me understand why criminals didn't have their brains x rayed or today there genetics analyzed.  Why not?

It is really simple.  Someone like Capone who makes it big is a savior in this world to the mentally retarded.

There were two different directions going on in this country prior to our entry in WW2.  One was the Eugenics program.  And the other was the criminal defeat of Prohibition.  Alcohol necessitated the Eugenics Program.


Did you ever notice how someone like Al Capone and his pier group express comradery?  Their voice gets a little lower and feminine like.  Queer like.  Trilling the vowels like.

In other words they are only happy when they are woman like.  Which means what?  In order to be raised they had to have a hag of a woman coming down on them very hard all the time.  Hence they feel happiness like she did.  They are imprinted by women and not men.  "Bring home the money, I don't care how you do it, like a dog brings home a bone.  I don't care where it came from."

They aren't us and they are not our Democracy.  They are not our values.


I think that George Bush might have more he wants to say about it?  He could very well save this democracy if he told the truth.  But does he know what the truth is?  Can he accept the truth.  Not likely.

Now look at that picture and don't you want to say, "He looks evil."  We have been conditioned that that is the wrong thing to think and say.  Who conditioned us?  Read four  paragraphs earlier in this article.

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

Do you believe that another child is like another sack of wheat?  I don't.


But what is that female like voice they fall into when they are experiencing camaraderie?  It is a coy voice isn't it!  It is a quiet voice isn't it!  It is a secretive voice isn't it!  It is the voice of their mother taking them aside alone to perform fellatio incest on them isn't it!

Might even be part of their religion is some odd way.

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