The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Religious Test in the Constitution 04 07 2018

Religious Test in the Constitution 04 07 2018

So a President can't be put to a religious test?  But what did the founding fathers mean by that?  Apparently it has to do with Transubstantiation?

Meaning that you don't have to belief that bread and wine equal the body and blood of Christ.

Now that is indeed somewhat anti Catholic?  Is there a good purpose for it?

But what else does it mean?  It means you can't become blackballed from being President because you believe in Abortion!!!  And perhaps other hot issues.

So if it is in the Constitution how to we enforce it?  Well it just means you don't have to take an oath of religious belief before becoming President. 

Meaning?  They didn't want our country to be befuddled by those who would attempt to put such oaths in our Constitution?

But what does it mean to have the mind of a king?  Proverbs 21.

"The Lord controls the mind of a king as easily as he directs the course of a stream..."


But what does that mean?  No one controls the mind of a man!  So when something or someone controls the mind of a man that man is really an imbecile.  Hence your King is an imbecile with what Proverbs 21 is saying?  Hence per the Constitution you can't meet the criteria of being an imbecile in order to be President of the United States.

Ponder it in life of current circumstances and laugh or cry?

© 2018 Thomas Murphy 

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