The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, April 16, 2018

Breast Cancer and Alcohol 04 16 2018

Breast Cancer and Alcohol  04 16 2018

If you love your wife don't let her drink.

So yesterday in the paper a woman famous in Wisconsin died.

Does a woman charged with drunken driving drink more than one that doesn't drive drunk?

Does alcohol cause breast cancer?  Per my research it does.

What is the chemical, is it acetaldehyde?

But more to a different point.  Say a woman doesn't drink while pregnant.  But after she gives birth she does.  Does that same chemical in alcohol that causes breast cancer likely cause Autism in the child when consumed through the breast milk?  Or some chemical created by its metabolic reaction with it or perhaps another chemical in alcohol or its degradation process?

I believe that to be true.


So is someone like Peg Lautenschlager really a good role model for young girls?

Look at what path following her behavior would take you down.

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

Our world is plagued today with idiot savants whose only one skill is verbal manipulation.  People that fixate on human beings in order to learn just one skill that they have?  Fixate on the human mind.   Only sell one product at your store so that you can fixate on the customer and how to rip them off.

Developing verbal ability through fixation on the exchange of money?  Sad isn't it?

It would seem to me that your verbal ability should be derived from the work of your own two hands.

Oh but that is "pride" and it is a sin?  How convenient for those whose hands are like that of a Cerebral Palsy to label it that?

"Why did you go into business," someone once asked me.


I will assert that if you have any cancer or developed any cancer in your life you should avoid alcohol for the rest of your life.  In fact I would go so far as making national alcohol ID cards and as soon as you got cancer yours would be invalid.  Also if you got aides from being gay your Alcohol ID should be invalid.


I also believe that an alcoholic should be barred from making important decisions for themselves and others because of impairment.  I would even like to take away their voting rights.  In fact when the 18th Amendment went into effect it should have also declared those who use a substance that impairs judgment ineligible to vote because they are no longer a qualified electorate.

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