The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Habitat for Humanity needs to give every building solar roofing panel based electricty

Habitat for Humanity needs to give every building that they construct solar based electricity with an amorphous photovoltaic panel on the roof.

Background:  Many inner city houses do indeed become vacant and ;are used for illegal purposes and should be torn down.  Why not build one that has a better chance of being cared for and therefore less likely to be vacated?  One that has its own electricity supply. 

Cost is an issue you say?  Instead of putting up four traditional style houses put up three with solar panel roofs.

Once you become proficient at this you will develop economies of scale and make it the leadership standard.

Also: It should be a national law that no-one can be prevented by a zoning issue to install them on their homes rooftops.  We need to write this bill.

copyright 2012 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on  05 16 2012 at

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