The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Roman Numerals and Shell game logic 05 09 2012

It appears the Al-Quida bomber from last month is now determined to be a CIA agent instead.  He actually was delivering the bomb  to the CIA from the Al-Quida and not going to blow anything?  But his mission was really to bring back info to help in a drone attack?

This sounds like the logic of evil feebile minded or rather the reclassifying someone after they plea bargain with info.  But what I also find very disturbing about it is if he was a CIA agent what part did he have in promoting a bombing in the United States.  I mean, I am the optimist and would hope for peace in the world someday and this condradicts those efforts right? - Sending someone from the US into a "Gang" to take part in the planning and promoting of a bombing of the United States.  It bothers me in some way; to be crooked and also self defeating.  It makes one wonder what part similar agents had in the September 11 2001 attack.  It really raises that question.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2012 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 05 09 2012 at: 

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