The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Reinforcing the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution 10 04 2015

Reinforcing the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution 10 04 2015

Perhaps we need another amendment to the Constitution that states, "If anyone ever attempts to take ANY United States Citizens gun that Citizen has the right to use deadly force against them and not be subject to ANY due process, criminal charges, etc."  Now that is what Freedom means and stands for!


Do our Political leaders make you feel safe and secure?  Leadership is about being so great a person that everyone wants to follow and be like you and do what you do with positive lifetime results.  You want your children to use drugs in High School like Barack did?

Virtually every nation in the world used to love the United States! Now not all do; do they! Leadership should have solved that but it didn't! Instead it gave us the big dumb man trying to appeal to the weak willed wife phenomenon,  "Go beat that foreign country up!  Reduce it to rubble for me!  Won't you Billy?  You would do that for me Billy wouldn't you!"  That isn't leadership.  Our Constitution has clauses to prevent that from happening but they were willfully  disregarded.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 10 04 2015 at:

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