The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, June 5, 2015

Think Quick 06 05 2015

Think Quick 06 05 2015

You see a Police Officer draw his weapon with intent to shoot a small boy holding what you know is a toy gun; what do you do?

You could attempt to yell but you can see by the intent on his face that he is going to fire?

2. Progression.  The small boy is your son? 

3. Progression 3. The Police Officer is your son?  Are you thinking the exact same thing that I am?  Please don't tell me that is my son; I would never raise a son to be like that, or want to?

4. Progression 4.  You yell and the Police Officer points his gun and fires at you for...his attempted rational defense in a legal setting will be Obstructing a Police Officer in a Deadly situation.  You have just been cashed in haven't you!

Just the opposite of how things are structured today, one might presume that is someone that NEVER belongs in a school zone?

5. Progression 5.  After you son is dead you learn that the Police Officer that shot him is a homosexual with a defective gene that regulates serotonin.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 06 05 2015 at:


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