The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Demonization 06 03 2015

Demonization is the act of telling someone that they did something wrong when they really didn't!

How many who have heard voices were also demonized?

It is the process of nitpicking!

It is the process of the demonizer attempting to feel that they are something they are not by making you believe you are not as good as you are. Hence it is a false appraisal of you.

It is making an example of you; for what amounts to your independent cognitive ability.

What if Pontius Pilate, the Roman, was really the King of thieves? We know that the Romans heathenized the Jews. That is the worst form of demonization. The demonizer must feel some sort of catharsis by transferring their personal pain of ineptitude onto others? It really isn't about the person being demonized it is about the person who feels themselves inept.

Have you ever noticed a person that gets angry at things that would not make a normal man angry? That person is likely a demonizer too?

Moses is well regarded by the Jews, but he did indeed demonize two of the sons of Aaron and then slit their throats. Does it really matter how an Altar is set up? Or was Moses point really that the son's of Aaron could not pay attention, listen and follow instructions? But what part does anxiety play in the issue? When you fear that your throat will be slit do you rise to performance or shake and drop things? Was Moses mad because the son's of Aaron spilled some wine? Wine (Alcohol) being the leading cause of mental retardation in the western hemisphere. A mentally retarded person is essentially a heathen.


So the Soccer industry is very corrupt! And apparently Putin is part of it in some way? Should the United States have someone like that arrested? Does it impact the welfare of U.S. Citizens? Yes! Some Russians and Chinese are able to pay more for homes that United States citizens and that raises the prices. But when you think about that what does it facilitate? Insurance company profits! The more expensive home carries a greater premium they have to pay to insure it. So one could indeed say that the real estate bubble caused insurance premiums for homes to rise one level on the ladder and platuea there? Is the Insurance business a sustainable business? When a giant insurance company is folded into a large money center bank and that bank goes bankrupt and the taxpayer bails them out it is proof sum certain that the Insurance business is not sustainable! For that matter somehow they got their hooks into the Government whereby they buy reinsurance for the insurance that they sell? It is a pass the buck isn't it! And how do they cash in? Very simply they create a stock market crash, bankrupt all the companies or zero out the current shareholders, and that is it. Sure they will cry it never happens, but it does. And by the time the public realizes it it is already to late, they are in a Economic Depression. Were you demonized in the Investment business? Were you demonized in school? Congratulations, you now who satan is in our world.


Did you like Tennis or Soccer before you started to hear voices? And now that you do hear voices do you still watch the games and look at the scores in the paper? If so don't watch them or even ask someone the game results. Why not? Because when you hear voices they are dislocating your mind and can indeed see into your future to determine those wins and losses and set the house betting odds!

One more thing about those heathenized with alcohol and causing various grades of mental retardation. They can't stand being that way unless they can demonize a normal human being! They can't stand being what they are unless they can't flaunt that they play a child's game for the most money in the world.

The heathenized have no place in society unless they can flaunt themselves in front of normal human beings and act like they are better because of what amounts to their mothers connections?

What am I going to tell you about them that Putin and others don't want you to know? They don't have their own cognition! They never had to think like a man does. So where did this beast come from and rise to power from? One could say that England was the first to pay large sums for tennis matches? Who owned the Cayman Islands were the offshore banks and betting houses are? Aren't they owned by Great Britain?

Does Great Britain know about heathenization? That is how they conquer countries! However what we are seeing today is that they want to take the egg from a normal woman and use its mitochondria and perhaps the part of an egg from a woman who is stated to be of Royal blood. Why? They know without a doubt they have junk DNA! They are not Royal blood at all! Royal blood would never have 2nd person cognition. Do you want to know what a person with 2nd person cognition really is? Just look at who Mr. Wheaties really is! When I was a boy I could never stand his picture on the box! Something I didn't like about him? It was his arrogance that was hiding his true nature! I saw right through it! I found it disturbing. Read my article about Samson at the Milwaukee County zoo for what that really is!

Now let me ask you this. If it is really professional sports why do they ever need a coach? Presumably they are all mature adult men. Presumably they are experts in that sport. Presumably they are team players and not individuals. Right it is a team sport so they interact with one another professionally as if the team is one. All Professionals in the field, at that high level of professional behavior, why do they need coaches? I have just proved that an athlete (current ones) can never be a Professional haven't I! So if a person can never be a professional athlete why are they paid a pro salary?

One more point that they are not getting on the radio. I am a big wheeling momma talking rich boy and I own a Professional sports team. I get the public to pay for a new arena which raises the value of the team. I then sell that team to another momma talking rich boy for millions more than what I paid for it and pocket that difference. Perhaps even billions. Because the publics money caused the increase in value shouldn't that capital gain be paid directly to the public who directly paid for that stadium. So it is direct one way and the benefit we are to receive is said to be pooled. But the reality is that that pooled benefit doesn't reach us or this kind of a Ponzi scheme would not like to go on in the first place, as Governing it from happening is what the pooled benefit money is supposed to go for!


The paper is getting stranger and stranger. I read today that if you are on the lamb that you may go to a church, surrender and ask for asylum. And the Police can't touch you. Isn't that an egregious violation of the separation of church and state? It violates the United States Constitution.

Do you really want to know what I think of church grounds? I believe that they are the property of anyone who has been demonized with voices! I also believe that if you are demonized by voices you should indeed be granted greater rights than Native Americans have! And some Native Americans are likely demonized by them too, so therefore they get a double benefit!

When someone tells you that nothing is free. Know without a shadow of a doubt that your parents having a nonheathenized child was indeed free. And know that those who were heathenized can never be free. They were born into bondage! And it isn't your fault! They have great shame and misery or else they would tell everyone in the world! When you have a secret you don't want to tell it is out of shame isn't it! So the men you think are men really are something less. You fear fear however they fear themselves more than anything! Do you know why? People like Bruce Jenner where their Idols! When you believe in idols you do not believe in self. I will add this next part even though it is old school for me. To want to be like a person rather than be a person means that you will experience many of the faults of those whom you idolize without knowing how you got them. The person who believes in idolatry does so because they cannot weigh one hand against the other and rationalize. It is an easy sale isn't it? Just believe in that statue of Joe Paterno there son? Now you also are seeing why I am pro choice and always will be. So if a woman has an abortion after twenty weeks and she is wanted by the police can she go stay at that church? What is happening there? She is being forced to like someone she doesn't like or is indifferent to because she committed a crime and it is an easy way out. It wreaks to high heaven as religious propaganda and crimes committed against humanity by churches. Would Jesus Christ ever have said that? If you commit a crime come and hide in my church. Say what you want about Christ, he surrendered to the authorities didn't he! So Christian religions are not even following Christ.

Who knew? Someone whose cognition is in high demand by the heathenized. Someone who has heard voices for 24 years that will not let him perfect his work. Now that is communism isn't it! Some spoiled brat who does not have its own cognition and never will throws a spoiled 5417 fit when you are attempting to concentrate! Our Constitution should protect us from beasts, right?
By the way every time they make an example of you, a scapegoat of you, they are indeed opening a doorway to your human cognition so that the beast can share it!  It likely went on all your life!  In grade school, high school, College etc.  "Listen to him cry because he knows he did something wrong.  He's not so great is he!  You don't really want to be like him!  You are better than him!"  So indeed those who demonize cannot be happy unless they make the human they demonized feel guilty over nothing they should ever have to...being human that thinks for themselves.  Does it matter that the person saying that is the one who stuck out their foot to see you fall in the first place?And don't you just love trick questions?  Have you ever had someone set you up because they know how you think?  If you are like me you learn very quickly and never fall for it again.  You can see it coming! How?  The person going to make an example out of you has an aura of never being happier in their life!  Ever wonder what is going on in a dogs head when it is sleeping and wagging its tail?  Then you leave the house and it chews the whole place up.  And then it sits there and acts like you don't know who did it?  Do you know that Jesus Christ called the Canaanites Dogs?  Think of that when you read how self declared holier than thou George Bush created constitutional violations to your right to free speech!  Again it is the devil pretending to be something it isn't!  Has no place in U.S. Government and never did!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 06 03 2015 at:

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