The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, June 1, 2015

The Reason you hear voices is because "The Devil Hates the Truth" 06 01 2015

The Reason you hear voices is because “The Devil Hates the Truth”

Are there people in the general population including, blacks, hispanics and some religions that view education as a form of punishment?

The voices that you hear originate from those who view education as punishment! Instead they crave and have to have direct transfer of knowledge from a tortured human soul! That makes them a genetically de-evolved threat to the human race.

In the future we might even see them make the legal cliam that education is cruel and unusual punishment and therefore Unconstitutional!

Now I didn't have the intent to make this article anti-Semitic, however it just occurred to me that that is how the ancient Essene Jews raised their children!  Under the control of an evil master juxtaposed against an exiled (means imprisoned) priest.

They say that the lineage of a Jewish person follows the females genes!  Scott Walker's grandmother was Jewish.  To me that explains why he has gotten all the free media attention one could ever get!  That is likely why he will become President of the United States too!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 06 01 2015 at:

Is that lineage really Denisovan DNA in key chromosomes that determine cognition?  I will assert that is true!

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