The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Female Parole Officers and the High Prison Recidivism Rate 07 01 2015

Female Parole Officers and the High Prison Recidivism Rate  07 01 2015

I have to wonder if the recidivism rate would be much less if all parole officers were men; not females, homosexuals or the sloth minded.

Do some female parole officers demonically possess their parolees to whatever a goal of their evil will might be?  Hence the criminal is  being used as a tool of the devil?

And is Felons being freed from prison and not being allowed to have guns really a means that ensures that the female parole officer faces no fear?

Granted I believe that some common crimes are so horrific that they are deserving of the death penalty.

When I read that police officers strip search women and in effect touch them in a sexual manner the way I see it is as if the worst type of criminal among the human race has made it legal for them to sexually assault people whereas it is illegal for everyone else to do so.  Hence this breeds the subjective justice system.

And how did the English seize the Scottish guns so quickly in 1472, was it?  Very simply they could not be raised to have their own cognition hence they already had the exact same cognition as the Scottish they took the guns from.  In other words they knew exactly where they were stored.  So what kind of person has satanic cognition like that?  The same type that was raised by a mentally defective/wiccan mother to learn verbal ability from someone who is victimized to hear voices and then labeled mentally ill.  So when they become adults what do these sloth minded become?  They fixate for a lifetime and then consider it a right of passage to be the force of gun control.  It is really a spoiled boy that will never become a man asserting that he is.  Hence gun control is really someone only wanting a gun so that they can use it to take yours from you!  And that is Divine Right Kingdom.

Okay so you want a Kingdom?  There is only on way it works.  Those with first person cognition rule under the guidelines of the Constitution until a stable human genome if fostered whereby Democracy and freedom will never again be jeopardized by the Satanic/mentally defective.  Do you know who that means rules?  Those who have been labeled schizophrenic.  Can we have the death penalty for things like Sloth, (the Seven Deadly Sins?) etc?  We may need to do that to ensure that children and humanity is safe.  Who wants child molesters, pimps and drug dealers living in your neighborhood.

Barrack Obama and Gun Control?  How would you like to be a little black girl living in the core and have 10 n1993r's blitzcraig through the front door and gang rape you?  One is a Police Officer, the other is the Church Minister, there is a school teacher, a drug dealer and two high school football players.  Now lets rephrase that a little bit.  Lets say that wasn't a black girl, lets say it was a poor white girl living in an all black neighborhood?  I say you let that girl have a full auto weapon to prevent that from happening.  Also I say you give her one if it did happen and give her a directive to get that the h3ll out of here!


So you are a little white girl that has been indoctrinated into an occult wiccan religion.  You have been taught to demonize a mans mind.  In fact there are 10 in your childhood coven.  What happens when they bring a black man in to rape one of you?  What happens if in private and unbenounced to each other all ten of you are raped by that black man?  So why would they do it to you?  To make you more MEAN!  And in England where this type of behavior is practiced by the wealthy it is called Grooming.  In the core it is called wilding. 

And I know what they want you to think when that happens.  It is your own fault.  That the person who indoctrinated you into that occult really doesn't know it happened to you!  Get real!  They know that just like you know the thoughts of those you demonized to create medical fraud!

But what is a mistress anywho?  Isn't it one of those women who was groomed?  Does she not really serve as a Prostitute to the groomer?  She might even have sex with other men and she never see's the transfer of money from her prostitution services from one to the other?  What has been taken from her is her humanity.  And it has been taken by slavery which is illegal per the Constitution and all the blood of the civil war; that should make it deserving of the death penalty!  What would prevent women from becoming prostitutes?  If after their pimp was executed the prostitute was too!  That would stop it cold dead!  And selling your wife was indeed part of the ancient Jewish religion.

But perhaps it originated out of jealousy of the a man and his well being?  Hence he was ostracized from society and denied employment per his true capability out to envy and jealousy.  You see I get both sides of the issue don't I!

And he say's that his wife is just stupid when the fact really is that she is personally traumatized from every day of life living with him?

These are my beliefs.  No amount of psychiatry is ever going to change that!  Only death ends my belief system.

They need a big brother who is a man and thinks like a man and not someone who will never legitimately transition in right of passage or otherwise to be one.  It is black and white here.  You either give them back their gun or you keep them in prison.  If you never want them to be freed from prison and never have a gun as is guarantied by the Constitution then perhaps they should be executed.  It takes the female mind straight out of the justice system doesn't it!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 07 01 2015 at:

Well there it is again.  Stuff that everyone say's isn't true.  Likely the exact same descriptions in the Irish literature that was all burned by the English.

~ And once they are made MEAN, they are demonically possessed for life without a true will of their own.


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