The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, February 22, 2014

A Shift in the Burden of Proof 02 22 2014

A Shift in the Burden of Proof 02 22 2014

In our legal system the State has to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that a person is guilty in order for them to be convicted.
However when it comes to mental disability in the United States one must provide the burden of proof that they are mentally disabled in order to reason health care benefits from the Social Security administration.
This brings up a logical fault that has disturbed me for quite some time! For example in my point of view in order to be disabled you first had to have ability!  That is what is implied in the meaning!  Now contrast this to someone that was born mentally defective and is classified as disabled!  They are not the verb of being disabled because they never had ability!  But they do not have ability!  So if you want to say that they are disabled first you have to claim that someone took their ability at birth or made their potential defective and thereby the classification of mentally defective!
Rights of passage.  In many societies men undergo a right of passage before they become men!  In the United that used to be considered an academic based education!  Hence they have proved that they have ability! 
But 20 percent of Americans have dyslexia.  That is a developmental disability.  The point being should those that have had ability up to and including the time that they made it through the right of passage in the United States be subjected to the will, doctrines and legislation of those who never had ability!  Now we might think that is a small minority that don’t; but the fact that 20% of Americans have dyslexia means that the problem is substantially prevalent!  And 10% of Americans claim that they are gay; isn’t that a mental defect when you have an identity that is different than the gender of your body?
So can you prove that you are not mentally defective!  Can that person taking the Plaintiff Stand the Defendant Stand, the witness or even the judge prove that they are not mentally defective!  Now it is not as clear cut as you might believe!  And all you have to do is turn on the television set to see proof certain that I am proven right!
Now that person that was completely normal until they graduated from college and went off to work in the Investment Industry in Chicago Illinois after college had met the burden of proof didn’t they!  But what of the person that was sitting immediately to his left during the CPA exam that was waiting to see how he was going to answer every question in his mind’s eye!  Can he prove that he is not mentally defective?
So in order to maintain human rights maybe the burden of proof needs to shift so that by the time a person is an adult they can prove that they are not mentally defective or dependent minded?  And there is indeed a Bill of Human Rights that was created by the United Nations.  And what does it state?  It states very early that a human being has their own human reason and own human conscience!  There is a very important reason it got that out of the way right away!
And the point might be that as long as one of us is hearing a lineage of voices in our heads that actively deny us from realizing our potential success and earning a living fairly by using our own abilities; maybe there needs to be a great shift of burden of proof in our society!
Now if a person did not have human conscience or human reason might they be one to incite civil unrest in other people?  Might they be like that animal that stalks its prey and waits for it to become nervous and take flight?  What am I getting at; I am talking about a soul that exists just like that of the beast, instinctively reacting to what people around it are doing in order to learn.  And when it has paucity or thought or realizes that it cannot achieve like a human being it then victimizes a human being because that is consistent with the mind of the beast.  And I am stating without a doubt that the voices that would disable a human being originate from that kind of person!  What am I getting at?  How would a beast of a person figure out to hide its identity among the rest of us?  The same way it attains every thing in life by stalking, disabling and killing.  To stalk its prey it watches the prey so that it can anticipate its every move.  In effect this is how it learns what its prey is thinking!  But that beast would have to have a human conscience or human reason in order to pass for one of us.  If it still has its minds eye with its prey then it cannot have its own human conscience and human reason.  So in a half step to humanity it seeks to disable that human being that passed the test to manhood in our developed world and graduated from college with a degree.  But the beast doesn’t just stop there.  It learned to anticipate what a person is going to do in their future.  In effect it became very adept at it much like a to us a bloodhound can miraculously find its prey or wounded animal!  Hence it has anticipated your entire lifes future!  And there is where the Bible helps out a little bit in validating this when it states after the Pagan based sacrifice that is the basis of our religion, “We will live the life he led for us!”  If he had really led you would have followed his advice and not killed him!
So it is an issue in our court system too, First and foremost you did something that defied human reason and human conscience; can your prove that you therefore are not mentally defective!  A man hears voices in his head can you prove that they are not that from a beast that was mentally defective since birth that learned from them all through life.  In effect their minds were imprinted by the person who hears voices.  Which gets me to the next point that I was trying to make earlier.  How would the beast have its mind imprinted other than by its father?  It would seek to get a human being extremely mad at it!  It has made just opposite connection to a human being that a father makes with his son when his mind is imprinted by his loving father.   In effect that beast has imprinted its mind through hatred, witchcraft, evil, Pamako!  And everything that I am writing here can indeed be verified in psychological construct analysis from the Bible!  The mocking voice of the Parable of the Talents is another analogy that is readily understood.  But there is much more than that!
You can’t prove to me that those who would seek to make someone be put on psychiatric medicine are not the soulless ones who caused the mental attrition to them that caused their mental illness!  And the antipsychotics of the high profit margins that are used to treat schizophrenia all have exactly one thing in common; they negate the ability of the person who is on them to use their higher mind capability!  So if you did not have a higher mind capability isn’t that how you would victimize a human being that did!  In fact you can’t prove to me it isn’t true because I know for a fact it is true!
From my research Pamako is the origin for the word pharmacy and it is a compound word coming from Sanskrit and the orient where Saul of the Bible who killed all the followers of Jesus Christ was from.  “Pam” meaning “All” and “Ako” meaning like elder brother!  Now here I must also allude to Pederasty which is youth homosexuality and it was common in Greece and Rome where Pamako originated from.  Pam meaning all derived from Sanskrit to be the root word of many Phar words in my research opinion which is continually limited and distracted by voices.
And that all root word comes into play with FDR and the University of Wisconsin Madison President (Van Hise) that was the primary influence on the FDR’s New Deal, “One must sacrifice their individuality for the sake of industry.”  It is implying that when it is sacrificed many or as above “ALL” in terms of an odd family benefit from it!  That quote is the most antidemocratic Nazi statement ever made!  It flies in the face of the United States Constitution worse than a confederate flag!  FDR never sacrificed anything himself for the sake of industry!  So in effect he is really making that bold statement in an effort so that people are employed for corporations that make money for the wealthy owners like himself!  And adopted that policy while at the same time re legalizing alcohol!
Why do I write this stuff at all?  Because I know without a doubt that Schizophrenia is a medical fraud.  The symptoms are indeed real and horrific to the sufferer but they are originated by the Satanic!
This was the greatest attack on America that it ever faced in world history and it goes on to this day!
So this man makes the right of passage in the United States and then is disabled?  We can put an end to this right away.  Given the fact that they had ability and you cannot prove that you had ability; it means that they should receive the highest compensation in the nation!  Those who were chosen to have their souls split for the sake of whatever should be the highest compensated people in the United States!  And the ancient Jews did indeed tith or pay taxes to those who were not rich but were the source of their wealth!  So there is indeed a precedent for this in world history!  And indeed if you really want your Israel back the way it was that is the action you need to take the world over!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 02 22 2014 at:
Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

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