The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Vladimir Putin Will Arrest me for this one 02 20 2014

Vladimir Putin Will Arrest me for this one  02 20 2014

The other day I was at a restaurant and buying food.  The clerk had to have been gay???  Most people would say he was gay even though I can't say for sure he was.

But he was overwhelming happy, and giddy and friendly and all full of smiles.

But here is the point!  THAT IS HOW ALL WOMAN SHOULD BE!!!!

Why aren't more women just like that?  Because for some reason, some mean brother or men that has been beaten out of them and they fear being that way!  They should not fear being that way!  That is how all human beings should be!  They should be happy and willing to express it without fear of oppression!

That man was happy to be selling goods from his store and he showed it!

And it should not be considered a contradiction to adult maturity the express yourself openly happy!

And you know me already, I am not for equivalent gay rights!  Just for the reason that I believe it to be the equivalent of sexual victimization of child, men sexually molest other males on a transitional to adult status basis, and also pro Asexual species behavior as well as maybe an indication of an Rh- blood typing.  And this comes into play as I read today that a red headed aid to Tony Blair told Rupert Murdoch that Tony would advise him on the matter if need be!!!

But back to the point!

Women should be allowed to express themselves in that happy manner as well as men should also!  And it does not mean one is a homosexual.  Now here I am starting to flush out who is Satan again!  Have you ever seen a mean faced woman that gets extremely mad when a man is happy and showing it? 

And perhaps here I need to make a distinction that Vladimir doesn't want you to know about!  That of the satanic minded versus the homosexual minded?  Vladimir might be one that hates the minds of happy men!  That was indeed the bitter underlying theme of Communism;  you don't get to say what you do!  I do!  And what does that really amount to?  A human being becoming very good at something and therefore happy at which point the beast of a satanic person with money steps in and makes them do something else under communism!  And Communism is so bad that the ineffectual would seek to have one mind demonized in the commune and living with them for without that one mind to be dependent on none of them could be happy.  Now perhaps I am not articulating this as well as I should.  But the point here revolves around the satanic mind versus the happy mind!

And I just have to ask how that perfect woman's soul came into that of a man?  It had to be from the likes of those that make other people hear voices in their heads and therefore seek to dislocate that human soul from the human being!!!! And if you are all a bunch of drunken dolts kids in a commune that would be your objective wouldn't it?  And that is just what Russia experimented with a technology of psycho-energizing one human being (not sure if accurate description) with the soul of another human being!  And when you indeed medicate a human being so that they can no longer use their higher brain capacity as is the case with all medications used to treat schizophrenia then you have dislocated a human soul unnaturally and therefore potentially seeded a person of one sex with the sexual identity of a different sex.

Now the other day in an article I made the equivocation of Communism to the Jewish Religion.  What Vladimir would be seeking to deny in order to maintain a delusion of himself is that he has the exact same type of mind as a Homosexual does?  I might even say that a homosexuals mind is better because it is a true mind to itself and therefore not trying to maintain a delusion as to personal identity or the upkeep of maintaining a stolen personal identity of someone else!

Now one more point with regard to all of this and freedom worldwide.  FDR's policy from Charles Van Hise the President of the University of Wisconsin Madison at that time in U.S. history, that was the greatest influence on FDR's New Deal Program was, "One must surrender their individuality for the sake of Industry!"

Now I don't know what the h311 he was but his wife was a lesbian.  But here is the point, the exact opposite of what FDR and the Eugenics program stipulated is true!  This assertion by me is what is true, consistent and compatible to the Constitution of the United States; "ONE MUST NEVER SURRENDER THEIR INDIVIDUALITY FOR THE SAKE OF INDUSTRY!"

And what did they do in communist block countries, forced labor in Industry!  That was a FDR principle!  Sure you dolt dog heads drink some more beer and things will make more sense to you and you will forget what you learned yesterday!!!!  Whoa!  I just picked up on another point there didn't I that has never before been mentioned anywhere!  When one drinks alcohol due to the oxygen deprivation brain cell death the next day at work they are more likely to "teet" up to the Master of work, or the task master or the Corporate manager!!!  Why?  Because they have indeed sacrificed their own individuality by drinking and the compromising hangover and are therefore more likely to "teet" up to and become in sync or be imprinted with and work in unison with the brain wave of whom they would consider a father figure at work!  You know the same person that takes their pension away at retirement with the stroke of a pencil!  And if they do not sync up with that brain wave they are insulted and picked upon?  And when they are insulted they then resort to the drug that is handed to them in order to punish themselves in order to learn to be someone else???

But what the driving force of all of this alcohol based brain wave syncing up to is the desire to have a different father in adulthood than the one that raised you!  Okay not that I got that all done on the screen.  What is the problem with this?  It is the equivalent of group psychology or mass psychology whereby one blindly follows another until they take them running off the cliff.  Or better yet one works in tune with the mind of another that is just as irresponsible as the rest and concrete falls from a parking structure built by such people and kills someone.  It leads to what I might call a sycophant decision process!  And that is one where by the person being mentored just goes along with the mentor tells them to do in order to please the emotion of the mentor.  And what are the results of this, workers physically disabled at work!  And are we to bless and praise the idiot who became physically disabled for the sake of industry in the United States???  Let me just say that would a contradiction to my free will!

So those women suppress their happiness because that same beast that would beat a happy man has also beaten them!

So where did that surrender ones individuality for the sake of industry come from?  The Elite sired a generation of mentally retarded from alcohol abuse during the roaring twenties or before Prohibition!  And FDR got in the car at the pit stop and drove us on the path to h3ll!

And if the man a woman marries is not one that she would seek to become independent minded TO then she should never marry him!  Also she is the type of woman that belongs in a commune along with her offspring and all the rest of them!  FDR didn't even belong in the United States!

And should a human being fear a being that seeks to "teet" up in adulthood to the mind of a real man?  You should have no greater fear than that!  There is no greater threat to humanity than that!

Now should we have Vladimir arrested for propagandizing that the minds of women should be the minds that males should have!  Because that is indeed what Vladimir was spawned from!

And most of this is too deep for the average human being to understand so I am greatly outnumbered.  And yet I have no pawns in front of me like General Custer did.

Vladi has a phonetic tonality of the word lady to me.  Like Ladymire?  Will have to look up the origin of the name.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 02 20 2014 at:
Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

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