The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, February 10, 2014

King Herod was Iduean or Edom means Red 02 10 2014

King Herod was Iduean or Edom means Red 02 10 2014

The Romans put King Herod in charge of Judea!   The native line in Judah was called Hasmonean.  I still do not see what Jewish tribe Jesus was from.  We know what line he was from, David.  So if Hasmonean's were the native's he had to have been from that?

It appears that the Romans wanted to concur the Hasmoneans!

Red hair? -that is Rh- bloodtype!

It is stated that Edom  got its name from Edom eating the "Red Pottage"

So what does red pottage mean?

That has to be fresh blood from sacrifice they were not supposed to eat!

The red headed therefore cannot be truly Jewish by blood and nor can their blood type!  That is the proof!

King Herod killed John the Baptist.  The Herodians also conspired with the Pharisees who were their enemies to kill Jesus Christ!

Why does it take so many people to kill just one person???  Because the people loved him?  And Paul who was Saul from the Orient came in and killed all the followers of Jesus Christ who were Jews.

That Rh- blood type is more likely to be gay or lesbian.

He was born red all over?  That indeed means that he had the allergic reaction to his very own mother when he was born!  He was lucky to live!  His mother had to have thereofore been Rh+.

The women of the Rh- bloodtype are known to not feel as much pain!

King Herod had planned to drown the last remaining Hasmonean Heir!  That had to have been Jesus Christ and the John the Baptist incident I refer to whereby after the baptism Jesus wandered in the dessert for 40 day!  He was made brain dead by John the Baptist???

The Hasmonians were a separate kingdom of Israel!  There own Israel!

The Hasmonians became independent and spread into places like Gallilee!  That is where Jesus said he was going to go when things were getting bad.

So what did they believe in?  Those have to be the true JEWS!  They believed in what Jesus Christ believed in????

I will have to do some research.  Little is known about them!!! Just as the Irish books were destroyed by the English!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 02 10 2014 at:
Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

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