The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My Commentary on article titled "24 arrested in drug case" by the New York Times published in the Milwaukee Journal this morning 02 12 2014

My Commentary on article titled "24 arrested in drug case" by the New York Times published in the Milwaukee Journal this morning 02 12 2014

And they only strengthen their network when they are sent to prison!  I have more respect for a man that begs for living on the street corner than one that deals drugs for a living. 
The Puritans hung those who gave people things designed to make them sick; this is absolutely no different than that!
It is a direct violation of our Constitution to sell or give someone addictive drugs that make them sick!  And there is no other way to enforce it!  The reason that we have backed off on Capital Punishment has to do with just what Valente is bragging about with his contacts being the equivalent of Fort Knox; we backed off on Capital punishment when the Supreme Court ruled that you cannot euthanize blue collar workers without also euthanizing white collar criminals!  Valente is bragging about his connection to white collar criminals as it protects his blue collar crime!
So we institute capital punishment for this violation of our Constitution and give the criminal the option of telling who the others are that are involved that he is bragging about will help him.  Tell him that he is going to die anyway, so that the lord might look on him favorably would be the benefit to him?  And one could argue that his entire family was an accomplice to the act of selling drugs and put them in prison too?  And I know what this would lead up to but the point is that if we had had measures like this in place already it would not have been allowed to get to this point!
Per my analyses the word Pharmacy is derived from the word Pamako.  The root word “Pam” meaning “ALL” and “AKO” meaning “Elder Brother” That root derivation Phar from Pam applies in analysis of the Greco/Roman empire.  As in the Pharo, Pharaoh, Phara, Pharos, Pharynx, Pharos, Pharmaceutical, Pharmacy, Pharmakia which is translated in the bible to mean witchcraft and “of the flesh”  It is a crying shame that they only way they had to express how people were being screwed up with drugs back in those days was to use the terminology, “Of the flesh”  The Phara Region of the Greco Roman empire had a region called Corinth- that word means gay and licentious.  I could go on to say what was flushed out of Italy during WWII that came and established a foothold here.  But Valente already confirmed that for me!  They had no other way to translate pharmakia other than witchcraft!

I left off Pharisees and Pharmacists.  But ALL like your older Brother implies the females have the minds of males!  So it happened that way through Pamako, Pamako was given to zomby the older brother as medicine, or the women gave the older brother Pamako because they had the same mind as him.  What is implied is that homosexuality is created via Pamako witch means drugs!  And hence it is not normal.
What this turns out to mean today is if they all turn out like their older brother for some reason yet to be explained (pederasty) you find a person not of your family to apply the Pamako witchcraft medicine to?
I want to hear what the Pope states about these 24 men.  I could also make a comparison of the 72 members of the Sanhedrin really being the 72 Gods of Israel and they are the ones who had Jesus Christ killed.  For the reason being per Nicodemus, “He made himself a God,” (too!) 24 of them were scribes!

And what is Valente saying in terms of thug speak; when he say's he has Fort Knox with him?   He is informing those he is recruiting that he has Barrack Obama with him!  That is the connotation in thug speak!

What Valente failed to realize is that he may or may not have Barrack on his side, but he doesn't have God on his side and NEVER will!  Man was created in Gods image, those children that come from birth defects related to narcotics use are not in Gods image;  the likes of Valente should have been the ones that should be crucified for attempting to make people not in the image of God?  The desire to create people that are not in the image of God is the exact opposite of God and hence that is the DEVIL!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 02 12 2014 at:
Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

Any person having sold drugs should never be allowed to handle food for the consumption of other people in any form, process or position.  They have already indicated they are guilty of the felony of giving someone something contaminated that is either ingested, influences or is metabolized by the human body! That should cover it, and if that rule should be extended to their family members is uncertain at this point.  For example should family members be allowed to sell food to support a family member who was in violation of that felony?  I would say no! So it applies to parent and children lineage!

Now I am going to add a bit about the woman officer of the law in Milwaukee that was giving lap dances to fellow officers.  Not only should she be fired but also the officers that took the lap dances.  And the people in our society that should never be allowed to own guns are those that served in a function of the public trust and violated that public trust!  Why? We don't want to fire people in law enforcement who are guilty of felonies only to have them form a militia of organized crime that poses a threat to our happy and merry way of life; our freedom and rights to live free!  And perhaps members of law enforcement or our judicial and criminal justice system who have been found guilty to break the law and betray the public trust should be forced to wear a pink card on a string around their necks when the go out in public!  The severity of their crime is that bad that it is warranted!  And for the rest of their lives, the punishment for failing to being deportation! Pink for them!  Red with a black hazard sign in the shape of an A for anyone with Aides!  And so forth!  And maybe if there is an adult who has been freed from jail who is guilty of crimes of sexual victimization of children that adult is to wear a card that reads,"Tell me to go home quickly and stay there!"  or something mean like that!  And I have not gotten to the nature of a card for the dependent minded yet....might read, "Commonly known to be a predator to human beings."

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