The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, February 22, 2014

In Response to Gods and Godless 02 22 2014

We cannot leave the Church while allowing the Church to still exist in its current form!  In other words we don't leave anyone behind to be victimized by the Church and false teachings!  So we have to refute the Church and change it with the best of our knowledge related to the above fields.  But in order to do that we would have to ensure that Church "Management" was never satanic.  And I don't know how that can be done without brain scans and Identification Cards!  Non Satanic minded could wear their own type of Identification Card more Proudly than those who were issued a dependent minded card, Representing that they are those prone to needing a human sacrifice in life as is represented by the Church!!!!  And hence because of that the Church today is not a religion at all!  That is a Pagan concept!  Sacrificing the Jew Jesus Christ on the Cross is a Pagan Concept!  Hence not religion, from the standpoint of in ancient times you either had pagan beliefs or a belief in God.  And what does God really mean?  It means that in order to live among the rest of us in freedom you better develop human reason and more to the point HUMAN CONSCIENCE! 

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy

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